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Traici?n En Palacio: El Negocio De La Justicia En La 4T / Betrayal In The Palace . Justice As A Business In Amlos 4T (Spanish Edition) - 9786073832588

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Traici?n En Palacio: El Negocio De La Justicia En La 4T / Betrayal In The Palace . Justice As A Business In Amlos 4T (Spanish Edition) - 9786073832588

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Antes de finalizar el tercer a?o de su gobierno, Andr?s Manuel L?pez Obrador apart? de su equipo disfrazando el hecho como una salida amistosa a Julio Scherer Ibarra, uno de sus hombres de mayor confianza, e hijo de uno de los periodistas m?s reconocidos en la historia reciente de M?xico. Nunca se explicaron los verdaderos motivos, y este hecho tampoco tuvo la resonancia que merec?a, pese a que quien se iba era, quiz?, el segundo hombre m?s poderoso del pa?s en ese momento. A partir de una acuciosa investigaci?n, Hern?n G?mez Bruera-analista pol?tico, periodista y entrevistador- detalla que detr?s de esa salida se escond?a un historial de traici?n, tanto a la memoria de su padre como a la narrativa central del movimiento pol?tico que lo llev? al poder: erradicar la corrupci?n y separar el poder econ?mico del poder pol?tico. Traici?n en Palacio es, por un lado, la historia del todopoderoso exconsejero jur?dico que aprovech? su posici?n privilegiada en el gobierno para controlar buena parte del sistema de justicia en M?xico. Y por el otro, una denuncia de los mecanismos de corrupci?n en el Poder Judicial con los que se fabrican culpables y se vende impunidad; una detallada descripci?n de un modus operandi que la 4T no ha logrado erradicar. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Before the end of Andr?s Manuel L?pez Obrador's third year as president, he purged Julio Scherer Ibarra from his team, one of his most trusted men, and the son of one of the most renowned journalists in recent Mexican history, disguising the incident as a friendly parting of ways. The true reasons for the ousting were never explained, and it didn't have the media exposure and coverage that it deserved either, despite the fact that the person leaving was perhaps the second most powerful man in the country at that time. Based on a careful and meticulous investigation, Hern?n G?mez Bruera-political analyst, journalist, and interviewer- details that behind Scherer Ibarra's exit laid a history of betrayal, both to his father's memory and to the central narrative of the political movement that led him to power: to eliminate corruption and separate economic power from political power. On the one hand, Betrayal in the Palace is the story of the all-powerful former legal adviser to the president, who took advantage of his privileged position in the government to control a large part of the judicial system in Mexico. And on the other, it is a condemnation of the corruption mechanisms in Mexico's judicial system, which fabricates and processes "guilty" people, while selling pardons to the powerful and guilty parties--a detailed description of a modus operandi that AMLO's 4T has failed to eradicate.

Author: Hern?n G?mez Bruera
Publisher: Grijalbo
Publication Date: Aug 22, 2023
Number of Pages: 296 pages
Language: Spanish
Binding: Paperback
ISBN-10: 6073832583
ISBN-13: 9786073832588

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