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Planeta Publishing


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Product Code: 9786073913157
ISBN13: 9786073913157
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Si te gust? Corrupt, devorar?s Hideaway, la nueva sensaci?n del dark romance.

"Los escondites son secretos peligrosos; descubrirlos, mi pasi?n." BANKS

Entre las sombras de la ciudad, hay un hotel llamado Pope. Est? abandonado y lo rodea un misterio olvidado. Pero, Kai, t? crees en la historia del duod?cimo piso oculto, verdad? Se dice que hubo un hu?sped que nunca se registr?, pero tampoco se march? de all?. Y crees que puedo llevarte hasta ese escondite, no es as??

T? y tus amigos pod?is intentar asustarme o manipularme. Y aunque luche por ocultar todo lo que siento cuando me miras, nunca le traicionar?.

As? que si?ntate a esperar.

"En la Noche del Diablo, la caza te alcanzar?." KAI

No tienes idea de lo que busco, peque?a. Nadie puede imaginarse en lo que me he convertido despu?s de tres a?os en la c?rcel. Una condena por un delito que volver?a a cometer.

Quiero encontrar ese hotel y quiero que todo esto termine. Quiero mi vida de vuelta. Pero cuanto m?s cerca estoy de ti, m?s me doy cuenta de que este nuevo yo es quien debo ser.

As? que vamos, peque?a. No te acobardes. Mi casa est? en la colina. Puedes entrar por donde quieras, pero buena suerte encontrando una salida.

Conozco tu escondite. Quieres ver el m?o?


All the twisted games are back as Devil's
returns in this dark romance fromNew
York Times
bestselling author Penelope Douglas.

Buried in the shadows of the city, there's an abandoned hotel called The Pope, surrounded by a mystery about the hidden
twelfth floor and the guest who never checked out. Banks knows the local
legend, but Kai Mori believes the myth around the hotel. He and his friends
think they know her, think they can scare her, but Banks knows something they
don't. Even though she struggles to hide everything she
feels when Kai looks at her, the person he seeks is much closer than
he'll ever realize.

She'll never
reveal her secret. This Devil's Night, Kai will be the hunted one.

But Banks doesn't know what Kai had to turn
into to survive three years in prison. He wants the hotel, its guest, and his
life back. But the more he's around Banks, the more Kai realizes
this new version of himself is exactly who he was meant to be.

Kai's seen her hideaway. It's time for Banks to see his.

Author: Penelope Douglas
Publisher: Planeta Publishing
Publication Date: Jul 30, 2024
Number of Pages: 560 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-10: 607391315X
ISBN-13: 9786073913157

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