Real life involves real people who make real mistakes. Sometimes saying "I'm sorry" just isn't enough. The need for apologies impacts all human relationships. Just as you have a different love language, you also hear and express the words and gestures of apology in a different language. New York Times best-selling author Gary Chapman has teamed with counselor Jennifer Thomas on this groundbreaking study of the way we apologize, discovering that it's not just a matter of will-it's a matter of how. By helping people identify the languages of apology, this book clears the way toward healing and sustaining vital relationships. Through their research and interaction with hundreds of individuals, the authors detail proven techniques for giving and receiving effective apologies. 一方在真诚道歉,另一方却不以为然,所以难以达成宽恕与和解。缺乏真诚又有效的道歉,可能是造成当下婚姻破裂的一个主要的原因。本书以鲜活的案例、真实的故事,详细阐释了道歉的五种语言,以及学习掌握道歉的艺术给婚姻、家庭、恋爱、亲子教育及各种社会关系所带来的卓有成效的影响和改变。 如果你不了解对方的道歉语言,你的过失就永远不可能真正被原谅,你们之间受伤的关系就不可能真正得到修复与和解。反之亦然。真诚而又有效的道歉使人从愧疚中得释放,在饶恕中得自由;可以安慰受伤的心灵,重建亲密的关系;能变危机为契机,化伤害为祝福。 本书每章的结尾和附录部分还具体列出了"五种道歉语言该怎么说"及"道歉语言资料库",同时每章都备有小组学习指南,适合小组学习分享。都是两位作家在多年咨询辅导案例中总结出来的最为有效的情感语言,不失为修复你受伤人际关系的帮助和指南。
Author: Gary Chapman |
Publisher: Zdl Books |
Publication Date: Sep 01, 2007 |
Number of Pages: 274 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 7106028223 |
ISBN-13: 9787106028220 |