One man of God is about to change the face of faith forever. He is regarded today as one of the most influential figures in the history of the world. But to those who knew him intimately, Martin Luther was more than just the leader of an important historical revolt; he was a man of vision, commitment, and passion. determined to serve his Lord and purify the degenerate world church. From the outset, Luther's enemies-the corrupt ecclesiastical and political rulers of his day-joined forces to stop the spread of his radical ideas, ideas that would shake the church and the world's greatest political powers to their core. But God mercifully allowed Luther to resist the armies of the world, armed only with the sword of His Word. Now you can witness Luther's stand against Charles V and his surprising romance with former nun Kate von Bora, view the social changes that led to the Reformation and see how God equipped one extraordinary man to stand strong-though it often meant standing conspicuously alone-in the midst of the raging Storm. 马丁-路德所倡导的宗教改革不仅改变了基督教,也改变了整个西方文明。 本书以小说的形式展现马丁-路德丰富多彩的一生。透过这本书独有的戏剧光华,灵感火焰,我们看到了路德不同的侧面:他是一位手握宝剑,随时准备投入战斗的勇士,是一位站在风口浪尖上的改革家,同时,他还是儿子、是父亲、是朋友、是丈夫......路德复杂的人格,超凡的魅力、强大的感召力和坚强的力量合而为一,全面地展现在读者面前。
Author: Reg Grant |
Publisher: Zdl Books |
Publication Date: Apr 19, 2010 |
Number of Pages: 368 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 753172460X |
ISBN-13: 9787531724605 |