Figurations Et Pouvoirs de l'Impuissance: XIXe - Xxie Si?cles
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Figurations Et Pouvoirs de l'Impuissance: XIXe - Xxie Si?cles
Depuis le romantisme, la litt?rature a annex? les innombrables formes d'impuissance inh?rentes ? la complexit? du monde moderne. Le pr?sent ouvrage r?fl?chit sur les raisons et les modalit?s qui ont transform? la d?clinaison de l'impuissance en objet litt?raire, de Balzac ? Huysmans, de Proust ? Queneau, de Malraux ? Michaux, en passant par Tinan, Amiel, Beckett pour arriver ? Chaillou, Senges, aux ?crivains de la postm?moire et de l'extr?me contemporain. Il montre notamment comment la litt?rature fran?aise du XIXe au XXIe si?cle s'est construite ? partir de l'?nonciation de ses limites et de celles de l'homme face ? la r?alit? et ? l'histoire. Une incitation ? reconsid?rer les discours contemporains sur le d?clin du litt?raire et ? repenser la fictionnalisation de l'impuissance en termes de relance.
Since Romanticism, literature has embraced the myriad forms of powerlessness inherent in the complexity of the modern world. This book examines the reasons and methods that have transformed powerlessness into a literary object, from Balzac to Huysmans, from Proust to Queneau, from Malraux to Michaux, via Tinan, Amiel and Beckett to Chaillou, Senges, and the writers of post-m?moire and extr?me contemporain. In particular, it shows how French literature from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century has been built on the enunciation of its own limits and those of man in the face of reality and history. It constitutes an invitation to reconsider contemporary discourses on the decline of the literary and to rethink the fictionalisation of powerlessness in terms of revival.
Since Romanticism, literature has embraced the myriad forms of powerlessness inherent in the complexity of the modern world. This book examines the reasons and methods that have transformed powerlessness into a literary object, from Balzac to Huysmans, from Proust to Queneau, from Malraux to Michaux, via Tinan, Amiel and Beckett to Chaillou, Senges, and the writers of post-m?moire and extr?me contemporain. In particular, it shows how French literature from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century has been built on the enunciation of its own limits and those of man in the face of reality and history. It constitutes an invitation to reconsider contemporary discourses on the decline of the literary and to rethink the fictionalisation of powerlessness in terms of revival.
Author: Federica D'Ascenzo |
Publisher: Brill |
Publication Date: 45533 |
Number of Pages: 224 pages |
Binding: Literary Criticism |
ISBN-10: 9004700730 |
ISBN-13: 9789004700734 |