Unstable Current Systems and Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics: Proceedings of the 107th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in
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Unstable Current Systems and Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics: Proceedings of the 107th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in
In the past decade rapid development has occurred in the fields of astrophysics, space science, and plasma physics. The new generation of space observations has led to an increasin requirement for a thorou h understanding of processes that occur in magnetized plasmas. The real- ization that essentially the same plasma processes must be understood for many problems related to astrophysical, space, and man-made plasmas has led to a greater need for interdisciplinary meetings involving experts from these diverse fields. This Symposium, "Unstahle Current Systems and Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics", represents the first meeting within the International Astronomical Union to bring together scientists from these disciplines. It was jointly sponsored hy IAU Commissions 40, Radio Astronomy, 12, Solar Radiation and 10, Solar Activity. It was co-sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Solar- Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) and by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR). The Symposium, No. 107, was held at the University of Maryland in College Park, aryland, August 8-11, 1983. The Scientific Organizin Committee of the Symposium consisted of M. R. Kundu (Chairman), A. Bridle, A. A. Galeev, J. Heyvaerts, D. B. Melrose, K. Papadopoulos, E. R. Priest, B. V. Somov, D. S. Spicer, S. K. Trehan, Y. Uchida, and V. Vasyliunas. The topics and speakers were chosen in order to emphasize the common physics underlyin a diversity of astrophysical topics, and to present the,"ost recent work on these topics and the relevant physics.
Author: M. R. Kundu |
Publisher: Springer |
Publication Date: 31047 |
Number of Pages: 592 pages |
Binding: Science |
ISBN-10: 9027718873 |
ISBN-13: 9789027718877 |