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Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change

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Product Code: 9789048131082
ISBN13: 9789048131082
Condition: New

Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change

Tropical cyclones are topic that is not appropriately known to the public at large, but climate change has been on the public's mind since the last decade and a concern that has peaked in the new millennium. Like the television programs of Jean Yves Cousteau the 'plight of the oceans', have recent documentaries nurtured a conscio- ness that major climatological changes are in the offing, even have started to develop. The retreat of glaciers on mountain tops and in Polar Regions is 'being seen' on 'the small screen' and has favored an environmental awareness in all populations that are enjoying an average well-being on Planet Earth. The vivid images on screen of storms, floods, and tsunamis share the fear provoking landscapes of deforestation, desertification and the like. Watching such as this one is seen are voices warning of what over is 'in store' if the causative problems are not remedied. Talking and d- cussing are useful, but action must follow. Understanding the full ramifications of climate change on tropical cyclones is a task that will takes several decades. In Climate Change 2007, the Fourth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) a high probability of major changes in tropical cyclone activity across the various ocean basins is highlighted.

Author: Yassine Charabi
Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 40183
Number of Pages: 373 pages
Binding: Science
ISBN-10: 9048131081
ISBN-13: 9789048131082

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