True Sign Publishing House Private Limited
The Leading Lady
Product Code:
The Leading Lady" is a 1991 British romantic drama film directed by Ross Devenish. Set in the 1940s, the story follows the life of a young British actress named Jodie, played by the talented Lysette Anthony. Jodie lands the lead role in a London West End production, which is being directed by a renowned German director, Heinrich. As the production progresses, Jodie finds herself drawn to the enigmatic director, and a passionate affair ensues, set against the backdrop of World War II. However, their relationship becomes strained due to the political tensions of the time, especially when Heinrich's true allegiances are questioned. The film beautifully captures the complexities of love and politics during a tumultuous period in history, offering a poignant portrayal of personal and professional sacrifices in the face of war and conflicting ideologies.
Author: Geraldine Bonner |
Publisher: True Sign Publishing House Private Limited |
Publication Date: Oct 26, 2023 |
Number of Pages: NA pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 9358050217 |
ISBN-13: 9789358050219 |
The Leading Lady
The Leading Lady" is a 1991 British romantic drama film directed by Ross Devenish. Set in the 1940s, the story follows the life of a young British actress named Jodie, played by the talented Lysette Anthony. Jodie lands the lead role in a London West End production, which is being directed by a renowned German director, Heinrich. As the production progresses, Jodie finds herself drawn to the enigmatic director, and a passionate affair ensues, set against the backdrop of World War II. However, their relationship becomes strained due to the political tensions of the time, especially when Heinrich's true allegiances are questioned. The film beautifully captures the complexities of love and politics during a tumultuous period in history, offering a poignant portrayal of personal and professional sacrifices in the face of war and conflicting ideologies.
Author: Geraldine Bonner |
Publisher: True Sign Publishing House Private Limited |
Publication Date: Oct 26, 2023 |
Number of Pages: NA pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 9358050217 |
ISBN-13: 9789358050219 |