Double 9 Books
The People of the Black Circle
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The People of the Black Circle
Th? P?opl? of th? Black Circl? is a gripping nov?lla writt?n by Rob?rt E. Howard, an influ?ntial figur? in th? r?alm of pulp fiction and th? cr?ator of th? iconic charact?r Conan th? Barbarian. This tal? is a corn?rston? of th? Conan s?ri?s. S?t in th? fictional world of Hyboria, th? story follows Conan as h? confronts th? n?farious Black S??rs of Yimsha. Wh?n a sorc?r?ss from th? r?mot? country of V?ndhya is mark?d for d?ath by th?s? myst?rious sorc?r?rs, Conan b?com?s ?mbroil?d in a w?b of intrigu?, political machinations, and dark magic. To r?scu? th? sorc?r?ss and prot?ct his own int?r?sts, h? must form unlik?ly allianc?s and outwit formidabl? fo?s, all whil? navigating a tr?ach?rous landscap? fill?d with dang?r and d?c?it. "Th? P?opl? of th? Black Circl?" is r?nown?d for its vivid d?scriptions, dynamic charact?rs, and fast-pac?d action. Howard's mast?ry of world-building and his ability to bl?nd ?l?m?nts of fantasy, adv?ntur?, and th? occult mak? this nov?lla a classic in th? sword and sorc?ry g?nr?. It showcas?s his tal?nt for crafting tal?s of high adv?ntur? in a dark and imm?rsiv? world, making it a must-r?ad for fans of h?roic fantasy lit?ratur?.
Author: E Howard Robert |
Publisher: Double 9 Books |
Publication Date: Dec 01, 2023 |
Number of Pages: NA pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 9359328448 |
ISBN-13: 9789359328447 |