One facet of development in this field is that the methods of gathering and processing geophysical data, and displaying results, lead to presentations which are more and more comprehensible geologically. Expressed in another way, the work of the interpreter becomes progressively less onerous. The contributions in this collection of original papers illustrate this direction of development, especially in seismic prospecting. If one could carry out to perfection the steps of spiking deconvolution, migration and time--depth conversion, then the seismic section would be as significant geologically as a cliff-face, and as easy to understand. Perhaps this is not yet achieved, but it remains an objective, brought closer by work such as that described by the authors. The editor offers his best thanks to the contributors-busy geophysicists who have written with erudition on this range of subjects of current interest. A. A. FITCH v CONTENTS Preface v List of Contributors IX 1. Determination of Static Corrections A. W. ROGERS 2. Vibroseis Processing 37 P. KIRK The 11 Norm in Seismic Data Processing 53 3. H. L. TAYLOR 4. Predictive Deconvolution 77 E. A. ROBINSON 5. Exploration for Geothermal Energy 107 G. V. KELLER 6. Migration 151 P. HOOD Index 231 vii LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS P. HOOD Geophysicist, Geophysics Research Branch, The British Petroleum Co. Ltd, Britannic House, Moor Lane, London EC2Y 9BU, UK.
Author: A. a. Fitch |
Publisher: Springer |
Publication Date: 40908 |
Number of Pages: 234 pages |
Binding: Science |
ISBN-10: 9400981074 |
ISBN-13: 9789400981072 |