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Multiple Periodic Variable Stars: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 29, Held at Budapest, Hungary 1-5 September 1975

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Product Code: 9789401011778
ISBN13: 9789401011778
Condition: New

Multiple Periodic Variable Stars: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 29, Held at Budapest, Hungary 1-5 September 1975

The I. A. U. Colloquium No. 29 was held in Budapest, September 1-5, 1975. The subject of the colloquium was: "Multiple Periodic Variable Stars". The colloquium was organized by the Scientific Organizing Committee consisting of W. S. Fitch (Chairman), M. W. Feast, B. V. Kukarkin, P. Ledoux, J. Smak, R. S. Stobie, B. Szeidl, B. Warner and S. C. Wolff. The local organization was placed in the hands of a Committee consisting of the staff of the Konkoly Observatory: B. Szeidl (Chairman), K. Barlai, M. Ill, S. Kany6 and L. Szabados. The colloquium was attended by about 90 scientists representing Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, F. R. G., G. D. R., Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Roumania, South Africa, United Kingdom, U. S. A. and U. S. S. R. Eight sessions were held, viz. 1. . p Canis Majoris Stars. Chairman: W. Wenzel 2. Magnetic and Ap Variables. Chairman: S. C. Wolff 3. Miras and Red Variables. Chairman: P. R. Wood 4. Cepheids. Chairman: R. S. Stobie 5. RR Lyrae Stars. Chairman: B. Szeidl 6. RRs and {) Scuti Stars. Chairman: W. S. Fitch 7. White Dwarfs and Novae. Chairman: B. Warner 8. Close Binaries and X-Ray Sources. Chairman: E. H. Geyer At the beginning of the first session a welcome was presented by Professor G.

Author: W. S. Fitch
Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 40855
Number of Pages: 362 pages
Binding: Gardening
ISBN-10: 940101177X
ISBN-13: 9789401011778

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