University of Pennsylvania Press Anniversary
From the perspective of users of international commercial arbitration, the uncertainties surrounding the application of good faith by an arbitral tribunal create an unwelcome unpredictability. Acknowledging this prevalent situation, this book is the first to study in depth the available international arbitral awards that have applied good faith, thus providing detailed guidance on how this notion is (and can be) applied by tribunals in international commercial arbitration. Moreover, the author proposes a set of deeply informed guidelines for the future application of good faith by arbitral tribunals to both the parties' contract and the arbitration agreement.
This book provides a comprehensive description of the role and scope of good faith under governing laws in key jurisdictions (England, New York, Switzerland, France, Germany, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, and Canada) as well as under the CISG, the UNIDROIT Principles, and other uniform law and soft law instruments.
The book greatly clarifies the source and role of good faith with respect to the following issues surrounding the arbitration agreement:
formal validity of the arbitration agreement;
incorporation of the arbitration agreement by reference;
interpretation of the arbitration agreement;
capacity and power of the parties to arbitrate;
extension of an arbitration agreement to a non-signatory party;
pre-arbitration requirements to negotiate or mediate; and
performance of the arbitration agreement.
Proposed guidelines for the application of good faith to each of these issues are included, along with useful figures summarizing the content of the obligations to negotiate or mediate in good faith prior to resorting to arbitration as well as the obligation to arbitrate in good faith.
By analysing the role and scope of good faith under different national and non-national laws, this book will prove of inestimable value not only by providing invaluable insight into the recourse to good faith by arbitral tribunals but also by providing guidance on how good faith should be applied to the parties' contract in international commercial arbitration. Arbitrators, as well as users of arbitration, will welcome the clarity on how good faith is applied to the various issues surrounding the arbitration agreement and, in particular, to the pre-arbitration requirements to negotiate or mediate as well as the performance of the arbitration agreement.
Author: Sabrina Pearson-Wenger |
Publisher: Kluwer Law International |
Publication Date: 45488 |
Number of Pages: 722 pages |
Binding: Law |
ISBN-10: 9403507381 |
ISBN-13: 9789403507385 |