L'Accolade Editions
En plein coeur: Orihoni Edition
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En plein coeur: Orihoni Edition
Vous l'aimez toujours comme au premier jour ? D?tes-le avec ce d?licat livre ORiHONi, id?al pour d?corer un nid douillet, un d?ner romantique. Suivez les rep?res de pliage imprim?s, et r?alisez en bas-relief la silhouette d'un mignon Cupidon ou deux beaux tourtereaux.
Is he (she) still your beloved like the very first time? Say it with that sweet ORiHONi book, which is perfect to decorate your cozy nest, a romantic dinner, or even to become a lovely gift! Respect printed fold marks, and shape in the form of bas-relief the figure of Cupid or the silhouette of two lovebirds.
Author: L'Accolade Editions |
Publisher: L'Accolade Editions |
Publication Date: 42253 |
Number of Pages: 580 pages |
Binding: Crafts & Hobbies |
ISBN-10: |
ISBN-13: 9791095428107 |