Eking out a meagre existence on rugged Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, Ewan Hurd had only vague memories of a loveless upbringing in a succession of childrens' homes.
Until a stranger's research into his family genealogy rerveals that for generations a murderous campaign has been conducted to eradicate his bloodline. A dark side to his family tree that has suffered in the shadows of Newgate goal and the Triple Tree of Tyburn; hunted remorselessly by the 'Thief-Taker'.
Accused of multiple murders, Ewan becomes the target for a massive, nationwide man-hunt in which no mercy will be shown by the men with guns, ..... and one with a noose.
A dramatic intervention by a beautiful young American girl offers uncertain sanctuary in the care of the 'Trustee', and an amazing tale of an 18C ancestor, 'Jack the Escapee', condemed to hang for the theft of the 'Watch of Succession'; catalyst for three hundred years of persecution.
The founding of a dynasty with roots embedded in both sides of the Atlantic has created a secret history that cannot be told. Only in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, will Ewan be able to confront momentous reality and achieve security and happiness....
If he survives that long.
Author: R. Jay |
Publisher: R. Jay |
Publication Date: 41081 |
Number of Pages: 308 pages |
Binding: Fiction |
ISBN-10: |
ISBN-13: 9798230587255 |