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Independently Published

News Clippings from Tombstone, Arizona: 1878-1882

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Product Code: 9798373693943
ISBN13: 9798373693943
Condition: New
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News Clippings from Tombstone, Arizona: 1878-1882

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Tombstone, Arizona an old wild west town. The newspaper carried stories of mining, saloons, fights, shootings, stage coaches, fires in the town, schools, churches and the Earp family members.

Family names include: Abbott, Ackerson, Acker, Ackley, Alexander, Allen, Allman, Ames, Anderson, Andrake, Aram, Arnold, Ashenfelter, Atkinson, Auld, Bache, Bagg, Bailey, Baker, Barker, Barron, Barneburg, Bartholomew, Bast, Bauer, Beaulieu, Beck, Bedford, Behan, Belya, Bernard, Bidwell, Bilicke, Breslin, Bird, Blackburn, Bland, Blinn, Boarman, Bogovich, Bonford, Boyer, Boyle, Brady, Breakenridge, Bridge, Broad, Brooks, Brown, Bryden, Bufard, Bullard, Burdick, Burnett, Bustemente, Butler, Cain, Calisher, Campbell, Carpenter, Carr, Carrouthers, Cavil, Cashman, Cassidy, Castanada, Chapin, Chapman, Cheney, Church, Clanton, Clapp, Clark, Clum, Cohen, Coffee, Coghlan, Colby, Collins, Comstock, Connors, Cook, Corella, Corrello, Cosgrove, Corbin, Creswell, Cuddy, Cusack, Cutler, Dempsey, Diahl, Dibble, Dillion, Dillon, Drew, Drum, Dunbar, Dupuy, Durkee, Earl, Earle, Eaton, Eccleston, Edwards, Eldridge, Elenes, Ellswood, Emanuel, Emory, Estes, Etchell, Everard, Farrell, Fay, Felds, Felter, Fenter, Fickas, Fields, Fitch, Flickas, Flood, Fly, Flynn, Forster, Fouck, Frary, Frazer, Frederick, Fuller, Fulkerson, Gage, Gardenier, Gaston. Giberson, Gibson, Gillingham, Gird, Gleason, Glover, Goodale, Goodfellow, Goodrich, Gordon, Gorman, Graf, Gratton, Gray, Gregory, Grey, Groedel, Grover, Grow, Guither, Guthrie, Haffard, Hagar, Hall, Halstead, Ham, Hamilton, Hansom, Hardin, Harrison, Hart, Hartmann, Harvey, Harwood, Hasselgren, Hattick, Hayes, Haymond, Hayne, Haynes, Hearst, Hebbard, Heizelman, Henderson, Henry, Herring, Hicklin, Hicks, Hickson, Higgins, Hill, Hiller, Hoag, Hoefler, Holland, Holliday, Holingsworth, Hollan, Holmes, Holzerman, Hooker, Houck, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hutchinson, Hutton, Immel, Jackson, Jago, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, June, Kavser, Keane, Keefe, Kehoe, Kenny, Kenealy, Knight, Kingsbury, Kinney, Kinsman, Knox, Lang, LaRose, Laventhal, Lenoir, Leslie, Levin, Lewis, Light, Linder, Lippert, Long, Lovell, Lowery, Lowery, Lowry, Lucas, Lurty, Lyons, Malcomb, Mallard, Manning, Manuel, Marks, Marsh, Martinez, Massey, Massoletti, Mather, Mauk, Maxsom, McBride, McCallister, McCann, McCarty, McCormick, McCoy, McCullough, McDermott, McFarlin, McHenry, McIntosh, McKinney, McMahon, McQuirk, McRae, McSweeney, Meade, Mend, Miller, Mitchell, Montague, Morgan, Morrison, Morton, Mugan, Muller, Murphy, Myers, Nash, Nathan, Neagle, Nichols, Norris, North, O'Connor, O'Hara, O'Melveny, Osborne, Otis, Palmer, Parish, Parke, Parker, Parsons, Partridge, Paulin, Peacock, Pennie, Penwell, Peters, Phillips, Phillipson, Pinkham, Plulaw, Pomroy, Pope, Poston, Potusky, Poynton, Price, Pridham, Priest, Pryke, quigley, Quinn, Quarty, Rafferty, Randall, Ranson, Reed, Reilly, Reppy, Rice, Riley, Ritters, Roberts, Rogers, Rollins, Roman, Rosendorf, Rouse, Rule, Safford, Sanders, Santee, Savage, Say, Scattering, Schwab, Scotty, Seamons, Sevenoaks, Shaffer, Shaunaussey, Shearer, Sheffelin, Sherman, Shipman, Simmons, Stanton, Small, Smith, Solomon, Sorin, Spangenberg, Spaulding, Spence, Spicer, Staley, Stanford, Stebbins, Stewart, Stiles, Stillwell, Stowe, Street, Stump, Suart, Sultan, Sullivan, Summer, Summerfield, Sumner, Swain, Sweeney, Tasker, Tantrum, Taylor, Terroll, Thomas, Tippetts, Tregidgo, Trull, Tupper, Turner, Tuttle, Upsher, Upton, Van, Vickers, Vizini, Vogan, Vosburg, Voss, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Waterman, Wheeler, Wherfritz, Whitcomb, White, Wiggins, Williams, Willitts, Wilson, Winchester, Wolcott, Wood, Woods, Worth, Yeager, Young

Taken directly from the pages of newspapers that are over 100 years old, bear in mind some of the images may not as clear as we would like.

Author: Kaylene Canfield
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: Jan 14, 2023
Number of Pages: 498 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-13: 9798373693943

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