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Independently Published

U.S. Marines in Vietnam the Advisory & Combat Assistance Era 1954-1964: A 2020 Reprint

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Product Code: 9798647470911
ISBN13: 9798647470911
Condition: New

U.S. Marines in Vietnam the Advisory & Combat Assistance Era 1954-1964: A 2020 Reprint

U.S. Marines in Vietnam, 1954-1964 is a narrative account of the initial decade ofMarine Corps operations in South Vietnam. The monograph had two immediateforerunners, both classified studies prepared in the middle 1960s by the former HistoricalBranch, G-3 Division, Headquarters Marine Corps. Authored by MajorJames M. Yingling, Captain Harvey D. Bradshaw, and Mr. Benis M. Frank, thefirst of these was entitled United States Marine Corps Activities in Vietnam, 1954-1963." The second, entitled "United States Marine Corps Operations in the Republicof Vietnam, 1964," was authored by Major Harvey D. Bradshaw. Although unpublished, these studies served as important sources for the material contained in thistext. Otherwise, this history has been derived from official Marine Corps records, theOral History Collection of the History and Museums Division, the comment files ofthe division, and appropriate historical works. Of particular value in its compilationhave been the command diaries of the various Marine organizations involved.Unfortunately, few official documents relative to either the early Marine advisoryprogram or to the early operations of the Vietnamese Marine Corps still exist. Therefore, that portion of the text which deals with those areas has been reconstructedfrom interviews with various former Marine advisors. Even their generous assistance, however, has not completely overcome the dearth of documentary sources.Any reader possessing a knowledge of this period and subject is invited to submitpertinent comments to the History and Museums Division.This monograph has not been the product of a single individual's labor. A commentdraft of the manuscript was reviewed by over 40 persons, most of whom weredirectly associated with the described events. (A list of these contributors appears asAppendix F.) Their remarks have been of immense value in reconstructing withaccuracy the origin, nature, and scope of the various Marine operations. The manuscriptwas prepared under the editorial direction of Mr. Henry I. Shaw, Jr., ChiefHistorian of the History and Museums Division. Final editing and the preparationof the index was done by Mr. Charles R. Smith of the Historical Branch. Miss Kay P.Sue, editorial clerk and manuscript typist for the division, performed valuable servicesin typing and proof reading both the comment and final drafts. Staff Sergeant Paul A.Lloyd and Sergeant Eric A. Clark, also members of the History and MuseumsDivision, were responsible for preparing all maps and charts. Unless otherwisecredited, photographs are from official Marine Corps files.ROBERT H. WHITLOWCaptain, U.S. Marine Corps Rese

Author: Robert H. Whitlow Usmcr
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: May 20, 2020
Number of Pages: 202 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-13: 9798647470911

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