Quick view Paternoster Publishing A Distinctive People: A Thematic Study of Aspects of the Witness of Baptists in Scotland in the Twentieth Century In the twenty-first century there are an increasing number of books in different fields that are evaluating critically aspects of life in the previous century. The Religious History of British people... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing A Pledge of Love: The Anabaptist Sacramental Theology of Balthasar Hubmaier Balthasar Hubmaier remains one of the most significant figures in the radical reformation of the sixteenth century. A Pledge of Love is close and thorough examination of Hubmaiers view of the... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Balancing Head and Heart in Seventeenth Century Puritanism: Stephen Charnock's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God An examination of the doctrine of God in the theological construction of Stephen Charnock, exploring his use of reason and his commitment to experiential faith. This study explores Charnock's... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Beyond Religious Discourse: Sermons, Preaching & Evangelical Protestants in 19th Century Irich Society Drawing extensively on primary sources this pioneer work in modern religious historyexplores the training of preachers the construction of sermons and how Irishevangelicalism and the wider movement... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Bonds of Freedom: Vows, Sacraments and the Formation of the Christian Self This book proposes that Christian worship Is a key source for any theology seeking to understand the covenant between God and human beings in the Christian tradition. Through a detailed examination... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Created in Christ Jesus for Good Works: The Integration of Soteriology & Ethics in Ephesians The relationship between the so-called 'theological' (Eph 1 3) and 'paraenetic' (Eph 4 6) sections of Ephesians has been a matter of extensive scholarly discussion. Central to this debate is the... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Divorce and Remarriage in the Church: Biblical Solutions for Pastoral Realities Gives clear guidance about biblical grounds for divorce and remarriage which are both practical and fair in today's imperfect world. To many people, the Bible appears to have nothing sensible or... $20.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Evangelicals Embattled: 1890-1930 "Martin Welling's book has a distinct contemporary relevance." - Ian Randall "Wellings' important book...fills a large hole in the history of modern Anglicanism." - John Walsh, from the Foreword... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing God's Ploughman: Hugh Latimer, a ""preaching Life"" (1485-1555): Hugh Latimer, a ""Preaching Life"" (1485-1555) God's Ploughman, provides a unique study of the life and ministry of one of early modern England's most significant preachers. Rather than offering a biography or analysis of sermons, the author... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Itinerant Temples: Tent Methodism 1814-1832 After John Wesley's death in 1791, schisms from Wesleyan Methodism occurred regularly. These events were not unexpected and the authorities often accepted them with little obvious regret, even if... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing John Oman: New Perspectives A volume of significant contributions to our understanding of John Oman. With an impressive list of contributors (Adam Hood, Alan Sell, Fleur Houston, David Thompson, Eric McKimmon, Stephan Bevans,... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Joseph Smale: God's 'Moses' for Pentecostalism Joseph Smale was a catalytic figure in the church life of los Angeles, leading many towards the 'Promised land' of Pentecostal blessing in 1905-1906; although his subsequent experiences led him to... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Mapping Messianic Jewish Theology: A Constructive Approach Richard Harvey, himself a Messianic Jew, maps the diverse theological terrain of this young movement. He makes an original and innovative contribution by clarifying, affirming and constructively... $26.64 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Men and Movements in the Primitive Church: Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity It is plain even from Paul's own writings that other presentations of the Christian message than his own were current during his apostolic career. With some of these other presentations he is quite... $28.48 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Missions in the Third Millennium: 21 Key Trends for the 21st Century This book charts 21 trends - both positive and negative - with continuing significance for the Great Commission community in the 21st century. Revised and updated with two new chapters on urban... $23.89 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing More Than a Symbol: The British Baptist Recovery of Baptismal Sacramentalism Jesus's words in John 17 represent one of the church's highest values "May they all be one as you and I Father are one." Yet divisions occur from the highest levels of the church to street level... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Pbm: God, Pharaoh And Moses Presents the story of the Exodus from Egypt to help discover a picture of God as responsive, speaking and acting, to challenge the hearer to make the appropriate response to him.Author: William a... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Reformation Faith: Exegesis and Theology in the Protestant Reformations Experts in Reformation studies identify and elucidate areas of sixteenth century reforming activity in Martin Luther, John Calvin and other leading reformers to demonstrate the thoroughgoing nature... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Scht: Eschatology And Pain In St. Gregory The Great Hester shows that the spirituality of Pope Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) is that of a contemplative looking for Christ and finding him in the pain of this world. The coming judge who punishes is... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Seht: James Denney (1856-1917) James Denney is now best known, though in increasingly restricted circles, for The Death of Christ, considered a standard treatment of objective atonement understood in substitutionary terms. However... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Since We are Justified by Faith: Justification in the Theologies of the Protestant Reformation An accessible and academic reading of the doctrine of justification by faith. It is often assumed that the Reformation taught justification by faith as if there was a monolithic view of the doctrine... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing The Appeal of Exodus: The Characters God, Moses and Israel in the Rhetoric of the Book of Exodus In reading the literary rhetoric of the Book of exodus Kurle uncovers new insights in the author's purposes. The unique work undertakes to interpret the Book of exodus as a whole in terms of its... $41.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing The Big Picture: Building Blocks of a Christian World View: Building Blocks of a Christian World View A thoughtful but accessible presentation of the key foundational beliefs of the Christian faith. A firm understanding of our faith is increasingly important in a world of differing beliefs and... $24.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing The Future of Biblical Interpretation How should we expect multiple interpretations of the Bible to be kept in check? Each of the contributors, experts in the field, considers one parameter of responsibility, which may act as a... $22.05 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing The Good God: Enjoying Father, Son and Spirit This accessible and engaging book unpacks the rich theology of the Trinity in a way that will draw you into a deeper relationship with God. Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity. Why can we be... $18.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing The Narnia Code: C S Lewis and the Secret of the Seven Heavens Unlock the secret to Narnia that has mystified readers for over half a century... Millions of people have been captivated by C.S.Lewis's classic Chronicles of Narnia - but some questions have never... $19.29 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing The Sunday School Movement: Studies in the Growth and Decline of Sunday Schools From a historical point of view Sunday schools have immense significance. In the nineteenth century Sunday schools were part of general educational provision and represented the Christian... $36.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Paternoster Publishing Through My Enemy's Eyes: Envisioning Reconciliation in Israel-Palestine This book addresses the universal theological dimension of reconciliation in the context of the Israeli Messianic Jewish and Palestinian Christian divide. Palestinian Christians and Israeli Messianic... $25.72 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart