Quick view Shameran Hanna A Sailor Went To Sea This magical story begins on an island far away where a sailor sets off to find the perfect sunset view, when he discovers that what he was searching for was closer than he realized. Children's... $10.66 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Shameran Hanna Bobby The Bee: Story And Activity Book A story about a young girl who faces her fear when she meets Bobby the Bee from New York City. Join them as they discover that their connection is just beyond their fear of each other. Proceeds of... $11.41 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Shameran Hanna Jojo and the Incredible Ask A Christmas story about a boy named Jojo who asks Santa for an incredible gift. So incredible, that it can only come true if he believes in...himself. Shameran Hanna, author of 'A Sailor Went to Sea'... $10.66 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart