Quick view Verlag Meiga Asentando Los Cimientos Para Una Nueva Civilizacion Este libro contiene las últimas contribuciones del Centro de Investigación de Paz, Tamera, en Portugal. En un tiempo en que los medios están llenos de noticias sobre guerra y... $15.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Aufbruch zur neuen Kultur ?ber das Buch: Aufbruch zur neuen Kultur Wenn das Leben gewinnt, wird es keiner Verlierer mehr geben. Wie geht es weiter nach dem Zusammenbruch der gro en Systeme? Der gro en ?u eren Systeme von... $15.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Construindo Fundacoes Para Uma Nova Civilizacao Este livro cont?m as ?ltimas contribui??es de Tamera - Centro de Pesquisa para a Paz, em Portugal. Numa altura em que os meios de comunica??o se encontram repletos de relatos de guerras e... $15.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 8% Quick view Verlag Meiga Der unerlöste Eros Engagiert und direkt beschreibt Dieter Duhm in seinem neuen Buch den derzeitigen Stand der Liebe in unserer Kultur. Er r?ckt die ungel?sten Liebesthemen von Eifersucht, freier Liebe, Treue,... $19.80 $18.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Verlag Meiga Eros Unredeemed In a direct and committed language Dieter Duhm describes the state of love in our culture today. He places the unsolved issues of jealousy, free love, faithfulness, longing, impotence, morals etc. at... $18.90 $17.62 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Future Without War. Theory of Global Healing Is there a foreseeable future on Earth free of war? Will the rivers flow in their natural beds again; will animals be freed from their cages for ever; and will all the children of this world have... $19.07 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Grace. Pilgrimage for a Future without War Shaken by the threat of a possible war against Iran, with the question what one single person can do to stop future wars, Sabine Lichtenfels decides to undertake a pilgrimage in June 2005. She gives... $25.28 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Grundsteine Legen Fur Eine Neue Zivilisation Das vorliegende Buch enth?lt aktuelle Beitr?ge aus dem Friedensforschungszentrum Tamera in Portugal. In einer Zeit, in der die Medien voll sind von Kriegs- und Katastrophenmeldungen, ?ffnet sich hier... $15.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 11% Quick view Verlag Meiga La Matriz Sagrada - Tomo I La Matriz Sagrada - Tomo IAuthor: Dieter DuhmPublisher: Verlag MeigaPublication Date: Mar 06, 2012Number of Pages: 276 pagesBinding: Paperback or SoftbackISBN-10: 3927266450ISBN-13: 9783927266452 $22.80 $20.31 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Verlag Meiga La Matriz Sagrada - Tomo II El Gran Sue?o de la Paz Mundial puedria ser Verdad... Sobre el libro "Dieter Duhm: La Matriz Sagrada. TOMO I y TOMO II" De la matriz de la violencia a la matriz de la vida. Los fundamentos de una... $18.80 $17.55 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 13% Quick view Verlag Meiga Pedras de Sonho Sobre o livro: a visita a um cromeleque megalítico com aproximadamente 7000 anos localizado em Portugal, é o ponto de partida para uma viagem de descobertas invulgares até uma... $24.80 $21.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Setting Foundations for a New Civilization This book contains the latest contributions from the Tamera peace research center in Portugal. At a time when the media are full of reports on war and catastrophes, a mental-spiritual gateway to... $15.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 4% Quick view Verlag Meiga Sources of Love and Peace This book - prayer book and revolutionary text in one - contains 52 morning attunements. They are greeting words for a new revolutionary spirituality with the definite aim of supporting the... $16.80 $16.17 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 13% Quick view Verlag Meiga Tempel der Liebe Eine abenteuerliche Reise, die vom Steinkreis Almendres in Portugal zu den Tempeln von Malta f?hrt, wird zu einer Reise durch ein neues Hologramm der Geschichte. Jedes Ereignis, jeder Tempelbesuch,... $24.80 $21.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 15% Quick view Verlag Meiga Temple of Love About the book: An adventurous journey from the stone circle of Almendes in Portugal to the temples of Malta becomes a journey through a new hologram of history. Every event, every temple visit and... $28.70 $24.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Terra Nova. Global Revolution and the Healing of Love Terra Nova describes a vision for a new culture: an Earth free of war, a society free of violence, a love free of lies, and a life free of fear. The author outlines this new Earth not only in theory,... $21.78 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 18% Quick view Verlag Meiga The Sacred Matrix About the book: Is there a possibility left to put a stop to the global violence and to start a globalisation of peace? The answer offered in this book is: Yes, the dream of peace may become true... $34.90 $28.66 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Verlag Meiga Towards a New Culture How will life go on after the collapse of the globalised political and economic systems? How will it survive the large-scale disruption of our planet's ecological and climatic systems? And what will... $15.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Verlag Meiga Weiche Macht: Perspektiven eines neuen Frauenbewusstseins und einer neuen Liebe zu den Männern Weiche Macht: Perspektiven eines neuen Frauenbewusstseins und einer neuen Liebe zu den MännernAuthor: Sabine LichtenfelsPublisher: Verlag MeigaPublication Date: Jun 09, 2017Number of Pages: 296... $19.95 $19.26 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart