Sale 3% Quick view Caister Academic Press Limited Thermophilic Microorganisms Thermophilic microorganisms thrive in a variety of marine and terrestrial habitats. These organisms have evolved several biochemical and molecular strategies to counteract the deleterious effects of... $250.00 $242.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Caister Academic Press Limited Two-Component Systems in Bacteria Two-component systems are signaling pathways that regulate many bacterial characteristics, such as virulence, pathogenicity, symbiosis, motility, nutrient uptake, secondary metabolite production,... $250.00 $242.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Caister Academic Press Limited Vaccine Design: Innovative Approaches and Novel Strategies Vaccines have long been used to combat infectious diseases, however the last decade has witnessed a revolution in the approach to vaccine design and development. No longer is there a need to rely on... $250.00 $242.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Caister Academic Press Limited Vibrio cholerae: Genomics and Molecular The last decade has witnessed the unravelling of remarkable new insights into the biology of Vibrio cholerae. These include the discovery of the filamentous phage that encodes cholera toxin, the... $250.00 $242.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Caister Academic Press Limited Virus Evolution: Current Research and Future Directions The field of virus evolution has developed during the past three decades from one considered by many to be esoteric and unimportant for human and agricultural health, to a major driver of our... $250.00 $242.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Caister Academic Press Limited Viruses and Interferon: Current Research Interferons (IFNs) play pivotal roles in shaping the immune responses in mammals and are particularly important for the control of viral infections and cell growth, and immune regulation. These... $250.00 $242.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Caister Academic Press Limited Yersinia: Systems Biology and Control Three members of the genus Yersinia are important human pathogens, causing diseases ranging from the deadly Plague (Yersinia pestis) to a relatively mild gastroenteritis (Y. enterocolitica and Y... $250.00 $242.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart