Quick view Camden House (NY) A Companion to Wolfram's Parzival Up-to-date criticism and commentary on the greatest of the German courtly epics. Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival expands and transforms the Arthurian tradition into a grand depiction of the... $48.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) A Concise History of German Literature to 1900 A concise general history of German literature from the early middle ages to the beginning of the 20th century. At long last a new, readable history of German literature. Each epochof German... $70.10 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) A Divided Poet: Robert Frost, North of Boston, and the Drama of Disappearance Frost's breakthrough book of poetry seen anew as an artistic whole and in the context of the poet's career and development. North of Boston, Robert Frost's second book of verse and arguably his... $64.64 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) A History of Austrian Literature 1918-2000 20th-century Austrian literature boasts many outstanding writers: Schnitzler, Musil, Rilke, Kraus, Celan, Canetti, Bernhard, Jelinek. These and others feature in broader accounts of German... $48.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) A Literary History of the Low Countries An authoritative volume that is the first literary history of the Netherlands and Flanders in English since the 1970s What was the written culture behind visual artists like Vermeer, Rembrandt, and... $233.90 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) A New History of German Cinema A dynamic, event-centered exploration of the hundred-year history of German-language film. This dynamic, event-centered anthology offers a new understanding of the hundred-year history of... $162.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) A Poet's Reich: Politics and Culture in the George Circle A re-examination of the George Circle in the cultural and political contexts of Wilhelmine, Weimar, and Nazi Germany. Stefan George (1868-1933) was one of the most important figures in modern German... $179.30 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) A Study of the Major Novellas of E.T.A. Hoffmann Analysis of the novellas of the German Romantic writer and composer, focusing on the issues of art and the artist. The German Romantic writer and composer E. T. A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) -- perhaps... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Aesthetic Vision and German Romanticism: Writing Images Crosses disciplinary boundaries to explore German Romantic writing about visual experience and the interplay of text and image in Romantic epistemology. The work of the groundbreaking writers and... $146.54 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) After the Avant-Garde: Contemporary German and Austrian Experimental Film New essays exploring the surging field of experimental film in today's Germany and Austria. Filmmaking in Germany and Austria has changed dramatically in the last decades with digitalization and the... $179.30 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Aging and Old-Age Style in G?nter Grass, Ruth Kl?ger, Christa Wolf, and Martin Walser: The Mannerism of a Late Period Explores the performance of aging in the "late style" of G?nter Grass, Ruth Kl?ger, Christa Wolf, and Martin Walser. Demographers say that by the year 2060, every seventh person in Germany will be... $130.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Ambivalence Transcended: A Study of the Writings of Annette Von Droste-H?lshoff First comprehensive study in English of Germany's most prominent female author. Annette von Droste-H?lshoff (1798-1848) remains Germany's foremost female author. Perhaps best known for her novella... $179.30 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) American Icon: Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby in Critical and Cultural Context How and why Fitzgerald's novel, initially called a failure, has come to be considered a masterwork of American literature and part of the fabric of the culture. Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is... $64.64 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) American Journalists in Hitler's Germany Examines American journalists' and media companies' roles in Hitler's Germany, reigniting the debate on the relationship between political power and the media. Despite Hitler's international use of... $179.30 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) An Anthology of German Novellas Collection of sixteen German novellas from the 17th to the 20th century in the original language, showing the wide range of the genre, and fully glossed. This new collection, intended for the student... $47.11 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) An Introduction to the Works of Peter Weiss A comprehensive introduction to the works and vision of the German writer, director, and political activist. The plays and prose works of the German writer, director, and political activist Peter... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Andreas Gryphius: A Modern Perspective Critical study of great 17c German poet and dramatist. Andreas Gryphius (1616-1664) was the greatest German poet and dramatist of the 17th century, yet he remains virtually unknown outside his own... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Approaching Emily Dickinson: Critical Currents and Crosscurrents Since 1960 An examination of the past half-century's critical reassessments of one of the most-studied American poets. When Klaus Lubbers's meticulously detailed Emily Dickinson: The Critical Revolution... $44.93 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Becoming John Updike: Critical Reception, 1958-2010 A study of the journalistic and academic reception of the writings of one of the great American writers of the late twentieth century. When John Updike died in 2009, tributes from the literary... $46.02 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Bertolt Brecht's Dramatic Theory Detailed analysis of Brecht's extensive theoretical writings on the theater, including newly available works. As an integral part of his work as a political playwright and dramaturge, Bertolt Brecht... $48.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Biofictions: The Rewriting of Romantic Lives in Contemporary Fiction and Drama A pioneering collection of articles on fictionalized biographies of the Romantics in contemporary fiction and drama. It appears that the lives of the British Romantics and the myths surrounding them... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Born Under Auschwitz: Melancholy Traditions in Postwar German Literature Uncovers the literary traditions of melancholy that inform major works of postwar and contemporary German literature dealing with the Holocaust and the Nazi period. In German Studies the literary... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Brother Hermann's 'Life of the Countess Yolanda of Vianden' [Leben Der Graefen Iolande Von Vianden] First translation into English of the medieval German Leben der Graefen Iolanda, making it accessible to a wider audience. Brother Hermann was a cleric in the region of Luxembourg in the last quarter... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Catastrophe and Catharsis: Perspectives on Disaster and Redemption in German Culture and Beyond Essays examining representations of disaster in German and international contexts, exploring the nexus between disruption and recovery through narrative from the eighteenth century to the present... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Changing Perceptions of Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus: Criticism 1947-1992 Wide-ranging survey of the critical reaction provoked by Mann's Doctor Faustus. Since its publication in 1947, Thomas Mann's daring treatment of the Faust theme has generated diverse reactions from... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Classical Music in the German Democratic Republic: Production and Reception Approaches the topic of classical music in the GDR from an interdisciplinary perspective, questioning the assumption that classical music functioned purely as an ideological support for the state... $130.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Commodities of Desire: The Prostitute in Modern German Literature The first collection of essays treating exclusively the figure of the prostitute in modern German literature. Unlike her counterpart in French literature, and despite her importance in drama, poetry,... $130.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Comparative Romanticisms: Power, Gender, Subjectivity Essays on key aspects of Romanticism, viewed in a wider European context. Despite a century of sustained critical activity and an interest level in the last ten years never before reached (as... $124.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Constructing China: Kafka's Orientalist Discourse Kafka's interest in and use of China establish him as a principal commentator in Western discourse on the Orient. Goebel studies four representative works by Kafka that explore the problems of the... $91.94 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Camden House (NY) Continuity and Crisis in German Cinema, 1928-1936 New essays examining the differences and commonalities between late Weimar-era and early Nazi-era German cinema against a backdrop of the crises of that time. Hitler's Machtergreifung, or seizure of... $146.54 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart