Quick view Franklin Diaz Practical Guide for Waiters This is a great guidebook for anyone who wants to become a waiter, or for waiters who aspire to move up in the industry.Covers basic aspects of table service, the types of service offered in fine... $22.97 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Franklin Diaz Relax alla Portata di Tutti - Esercizi Pratici di Respirazione, Rilassamento e Visualizzazione Un libro con il quale imparerai a rilassarti da solo senza bisogno di aiuti esterni.Contiene un gruppo di esercizi pratici di rilassamento e meditazione classificati secondo le loro tecniche: 1)... $16.08 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Franklin Diaz Relax ao Alcance de Todos. Um livro em que aprender? a relaxar por si s?, sem precisar de ajudas externas. Cont?m um grupo de exerc?cios de relaxamento e medita??o classificados segundo suas t?cnicas: 1) T?cnicas de... $13.61 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Franklin Diaz Siempre Puedo Continuar Un libro que contiene las herramientas necesarias para superar, de manera exitosa, el proceso de duelo que sigue al fallecimiento de un ser querido, haciendo de este el motor impulsor para la... $22.97 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Franklin Diaz The IdeaSeller A book that its intention is to help the reader to comprehend the needs, the reasons, and the "whys" of the human conduct. With the finality of using these phenomenons to his or her favor to obtain... $20.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Franklin Diaz The Phillips Method to Stop Smoking An easy method, just as efficient, to stop smoking.With it you will be able to program your brain not only to definitely leave the habit of smoking, but to also reach all of the goals and objectives... $19.98 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Franklin Diaz The Real Estate Agent - Theoretical Fundament A book dedicated to those who wish to dedicate themselves to the world of real estate business, and do not have the essential basic training to do so.Real estate management is a very lucrative... $22.97 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart