Quick view Orange Grove Texts Plus Theatrical Worlds (Beta Version) Draw back the curtain on the world of theatre and learn how the magic of a great stage performance is created. Designed for theatre appreciation students and written in an engaging style, this book... $33.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Orange Grove Texts Plus Theory of Functions of a Real Variable This text is for a beginning graduate course in real variables and functional analysis. It assumes that the student has seen the basics of real variable theory and point set topology. Contents: 1)... $49.41 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 8% Quick view Orange Grove Texts Plus Tracing Arachne's Web: Myth and Feminist Fiction "I am particularly impressed with Bloomberg's insights about the ways in which women writers' urge to harness the power of women's myths has to some extent been aroused by historical forces. . . ... $29.50 $27.22 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Orange Grove Texts Plus U.S. Relations with Latin America During the Clinton Years: Opportunities Lost or Opportunities Squandered? A balanced, nuanced overview of U.S. relations with Latin America during the Clinton presidency. The case studies are particularly helpful in assessing both what more might have been accomplished if... $27.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart