L?t m? guess, thi? i? a l?ng time ago and it i? n?t ??ur fir?t ?tt?m?t to l??? w?ight. Y?u''v? probably tri?d ?n? of th??? mir??l? di?t? that ?r?mi??d in?r?dibl? ?u????? in no tim?. And, did you succeed? Pr?b?bl? not. The ketogenic di?t, if used properly, ??uld finally ??lv? your w?ight ?r?bl?m?. It is based ?n a ????i?l low ??rb di?t (carbohydrate fr??) ?nd ?ff?r? m?n? b?n?fit?. In addition t? a f??t burning f?t, this di?t mainly l??d? to b?tt?r h??lth, increased ??rf?rm?n?? ?nd a ?l????nt ??ti?t?. Y??, right heard: l??ing w?ight with?ut hung?r, th?t works! Wh?t you ?h?uld ?x???t?: The basics ?f th? ketogenic di?t : Learn h?w to m?k? the m??t of ??ur??lf ?nd your b?d? with a di?t ri?h in fat ?nd ?r?t?in. A t?il?r?d nutriti?n ?l?n : In 5 ?t??? I l??d ??u to a nutriti?n ?l?n th?t d??? n?t come "off th? peg" ?nd i? geared towards ??ur ?h??i??l and m?nt?l starting position. Th? focus i? ??rti?ul?rl? ?n everyday ?r??ti??lit?. N?b?d? is thr?ugh a di?t that ??n n?t b? integrated into hi? ?v?r?d?? lif?! A ketogenic ?x?m?l? d?? : Do n?t worry, I''ll ?h?w you ?n ?x?m?l? ?f wh?t dietary ?rin?i?l?? di??u???d in practice look lik?. D?t?il?d inf?rm?ti?n ?n quantities ?nd nutri?nt? m?k?? it easy t? illu?tr?t? ??m?l? meals and int?gr?t? them into ??ur plan. 7 tips t? make ??ur diet ???i?r : Ev?r? diet has its ?wn diffi?ulti??. I''ll giv? you h?l?ful tips ?nd tri?k? t? h?l? you ??f?l? r???h your di?t g??l. Am?ng ?th?r things, I''ll tell you th? b??t apps for your ?m?rt?h?n? ?nd ?h?w you th?t it''? n?t th?t h?rd to avoid th? dr??d?d yo-yo effect. t??t? recipes : In th? l??t ?h??t?r, I''ll giv? ??u t??t? r??i??? f?r inspiration. Wh?t ??u''ll l??rn in "Ketogenic diet for beginners" : What th? k?t?g?ni? di?t m??n? How the ketogenic diet w?rk? Th? history of ketogens di?t Th? t?l? ?f th? good ??rb?h?dr?t?? F?r whom is the k?t?g?ni? diet ?uit?bl? F?r wh?m is th? ketogenic di?t n?t ?uit?bl?? P??itiv? ?ff??t? ?f the ketogenic di?t Ketogenic di?t ?nd l??ing w?ight G??l of th? k?t?g?ni? di?t N?tur?l k?t?g?ni? nutritional m?d?l? Detailed f??d overview Nutriti?n?l mistakes t? watch out for And a l?t more
Author: Emanuele Di Felice |
Publisher: Independently published |
Publication Date: Jul 13, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 171 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1080356878 |
ISBN-13: 9781080356874 |