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La Patte du Singe / The Monkey's Paw: Tranzlaty Fran??is English

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Product Code: 9781835662601
ISBN13: 9781835662601
Condition: New

La Patte du Singe / The Monkey's Paw: Tranzlaty Fran??is English


Le soldat regarda calmement le jeune homme

the soldier calmly regarded the youth

J'ai eu mes souhaits, dit-il calmement

"I've had my wishes," he said, quietly

et son visage tachet? devint d'une blancheur grave

and his blotchy face turned a grave white

Et avez-vous vraiment exauc? les trois voeux ?

"And did you really have the three wishes granted?"

- Mes voeux ont ?t? exauc?s, confirma le sergent-major

"I had my wishes granted," confirmed the sergeant-major

- Et quelqu'un d'autre l'a-t-il voulu ? demanda la vieille dame

"And has anybody else wished?" asked the old lady

Le premier homme avait ses trois voeux, fut la r?ponse

"The first man had his three wishes," was the reply

Je ne sais pas quels ?taient les deux premiers voeux

"I don't know what the first two wishes were"

Mais le troisi?me souhait ?tait la mort

"but the third wish was for death"

C'est comme ?a que j'ai eu la patte du singe

"That's how I got the monkey's paw"

Son ton ?tait devenu tr?s grave

His tones had gotten very grave

Un silence sombre s'abattit sur le groupe

a dark hush fell upon the group

- Vous avez fait vos trois voeux, songea M. White

"you've had your three wishes," pondered Mr. White

- Ce n'est pas bon pour vous, Morris.

"it's no good to you now, then, Morris"

Pourquoi le gardez-vous ?

"What do you keep it for?"

Le soldat secoua la t?te

The soldier shook his head

Author: William Wymark Jacobs
Publisher: Tranzlaty
Publication Date: Oct 25, 2023
Number of Pages: 48 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-10: 1835662609
ISBN-13: 9781835662601

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