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Llaw y mwnci / The Monkey's Paw: Tranzlaty Cymraeg English

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Product Code: 9781835662687
ISBN13: 9781835662687
Condition: New

Llaw y mwnci / The Monkey's Paw: Tranzlaty Cymraeg English


Mae'r rhai sydd ? phrofiad yn cael tawelwch amdanynt

those with experience have a quiet about them

Roedd y milwr yn ystyried yr ieuenctid yn dawel

the soldier calmly regarded the youth

"Rwyf wedi cael fy nymuniadau," meddai, yn dawel

"I've had my wishes," he said, quietly

a throdd ei wyneb blotiog yn wyn bedd

and his blotchy face turned a grave white

"A ydych chi wir wedi cael y tri dymuniad?"

"And did you really have the three wishes granted?"

"Roedd fy nymuniadau yn cael eu caniat?u," cadarnhaodd y rhingyll-mawr

"I had my wishes granted," confirmed the sergeant-major

'Oes unrhyw un arall yn dymuno?' gofynnodd yr hen wraig

"And has anybody else wished?" asked the old lady

"Roedd gan y dyn cyntaf ei dri dymuniad," oedd yr ateb

"The first man had his three wishes," was the reply

"Dydw i ddim yn gwybod beth oedd y ddau ddymuniad cyntaf"

"I don't know what the first two wishes were"

"Ond y trydydd dymuniad oedd am farwolaeth"

"but the third wish was for death"

"Dyna sut ges i'r mwnci yn llaw"

"That's how I got the monkey's paw"

Roedd ei thars wedi mynd yn ddifrifol iawn

His tones had gotten very grave

Cwympodd hush tywyll ar y grŵp

a dark hush fell upon the group

Author: William Wymark Jacobs
Publisher: Tranzlaty
Publication Date: Oct 27, 2023
Number of Pages: 42 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-10: 1835662684
ISBN-13: 9781835662687

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