Les Aventures d'Alice au Pays des Merveilles / Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Tranzlaty Fran??is English

Les Aventures d'Alice au Pays des Merveilles / Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Tranzlaty Fran??is English
Mais cela vaut-il la peine de se lever et de cueillir les marguerites
"but is it worth the effort of getting up and picking the daisies "
Ce n'?tait pas si facile d'y penser
this was not so easy to think about
parce que la journ?e la rendait somnolente et stupide
because the day was making her feel sleepy and stupid
Mais soudain, ses pens?es s'interrompirent
but suddenly her thoughts were interrupted
un lapin blanc aux yeux roses courait pr?s d'elle
a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her
Il n'y avait rien de trop remarquable chez le lapin
There was nothing overly remarkable about the rabbit
et Alice ne trouvait pas non plus le lapin remarquable
and Alice did not think the rabbit remarkable either
elle ne s'?tonna pas non plus quand le Lapin parla
nor did it surprise her when the Rabbit spoke
Oh mon Dieu ! Je serai trop tard ! se dit-il
"Oh dear! I shall be too late!" he said to himself
mais alors le Lapin a fait quelque chose que les lapins n'ont pas fait
but then the Rabbit did something that rabbits didn't do
le Lapin tira une montre de la poche de son gilet
the Rabbit took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket
Il regarda l'heure puis se h?ta
he looked at the time and then hurried on
Alice se leva, stup?faite
Author: Lewis Carroll |
Publisher: Tranzlaty |
Publication Date: Nov 23, 2024 |
Number of Pages: 100 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1835667163 |
ISBN-13: 9781835667163 |