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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / ??int??i Alice ??Undralandi: Tranzlaty English ??lenska

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Product Code: 9781835667194
ISBN13: 9781835667194
Condition: New

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / ??int??i Alice ??Undralandi: Tranzlaty English ??lenska


"making a chain of daisies would be a pleasure"

" a? v ri ?n gjulegt a? b?a til ke?ju af daisies"

"but is it worth the effort of getting up and picking the daisies "

"En er a? fyrirhafnarinnar vir?i a? standa upp og t?na daisies "

this was not so easy to think about

etta var ekki svo au?velt a? hugsa um

because the day was making her feel sleepy and stupid

vegna ess a? dagurinn var a? l?ta hana finna fyrir syfju og heimsku

but suddenly her thoughts were interrupted

en skyndilega truflu?ust hugsanir hennar

a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her

hv?t kan?na me? bleik augu hlj?p skammt fr? henni

There was nothing overly remarkable about the rabbit

a? var ekkert ?kja merkilegt vi? kan?nuna

and Alice did not think the rabbit remarkable either

og Alice fannst kan?nan heldur ekki merkileg

nor did it surprise her when the Rabbit spoke

a? kom henni heldur ekki ? ?vart egar kan?nan tala?i

"Oh dear! I shall be too late!" he said to himself

" , elskan! ?g ver? of seinn!" sag?i hann vi? sj?lfan sig

but then the Rabbit did something that rabbits didn't do

en svo ger?i kan?nan eitthva? sem kan?nur ger?u ekki

the Rabbit took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket

Kan?nan t?k ?r ?r vestisvasanum

he looked at the time and then hurried on

Hann leit ? klukkuna og fl?tti s?r svo ?fram

Author: Lewis Carroll
Publisher: Tranzlaty
Publication Date: Nov 24, 2024
Number of Pages: 96 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-10: 1835667198
ISBN-13: 9781835667194

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