Quick view Pantianos Classics Truth Triumphant: The Church in the Wilderness - A Christian History from Apostolic Times to Modernity This history of the church details the establishment of Christian churches whose stated beliefs stand outside of the Catholic doctrine. Wilkinson's enquiry spans from the Apostolic era through to... $20.93 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Tunnel Thru the Air: ...or Looking Back From 1940 The famous science fiction novel by William Gann, a stock market trader and forecaster, is considered significant for sharing several aspects of the author's financial astrology.On the surface, this... $25.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Twelve Mormon Homes: Visited in Succession on a Journey through Utah to Arizona Published in the 1870s, this account of Mormon families and their homes offers historical insight into Mormonism and life in the fledgling communities of the era.Presented as a kind of travelogue... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Twenty-Eight Years a Slave: or the Story of My Life in Three Continents - North America, Europe and Africa - An Autobiography Thomas L. Johnson's remarkable life, wherein he was born into slavery before going on to a successful career as a minister and missionary, is told here in his own words.Until the age of twenty-eight,... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Types, Psalms, and Prophecies: Being a Series of Old Testament Studies and Bible Commentaries David Baron's bold work of Bible study identifies and connects passages of Old Testament scripture, noting how truths present in the psalms surface elsewhere.Beginning his commentary by stating his... $18.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Unveiled Mysteries: Secrets of The Comte de Saint Germain; Visions Experienced by an Adherent of Theosophy and the Spiritual Occult Godfr? Ray King describes ascending Mount Shasta in 1930s California, seeing and speaking with a spectral Comte de Saint Germain, a European nobleman of the 1600s who claimed to have supernatural... $13.57 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Voices from Babylon: Or the Records of Daniel the Prophet - A Biblical Commentary of Visions and Prophecy Using the Book of Daniel, Bible scholar Joseph Seiss reveals the culture of ancient Babylon, shedding light on the language, symbols and royalty of this civilization.The tribulations of the prophet... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics War, Progress, and the End of History: Including a Short Story of the Anti-Christ, Three Discussions Vladimir Solovyov's philosophical classic explores the nature of war and battle in human society, and the potential manifestations of the Antichrist foreseen in Christian texts.Taking the form of a... $14.68 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics When Knights Were Bold: Medieval Life; the Military Castles and Crusades, and the Towns, Guilds and Education of the Middle Ages Medieval times for the military and for citizens, for wealthy or poor, for the farm worker and the intellectual, stand in deep contrast to modern times - this detailed and illustrated history delves... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics White Collar: The American Middle Classes - The Classic Sociological Study of the Office Worker and the Bureaucracies C. Wright Mills' incisive analysis of the American white-collar worker is a classic of sociology, the author's ideas and terms making a lasting effect on sociological enquiry and popular... $18.36 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Wise Men from the East and from the West: The Religious, Economic and Social Traditions of Eastern and Western Cultures Sociologist and theologian Abraham Ribhany describes and contrasts the political, social and religious attitudes prevalent in Eastern and Western cultures.Born in Lebanon, Ribhany emigrated to the... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Yoruba-Speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa: Their Culture, History, Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, Etc. The Yoruba speaking group inhabits Benin and Nigeria. This pioneering investigation, published in 1894, reveals the culture, history, spiritual beliefs and unique language of the Yoruba ethnicity... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Zetetic Cosmogony: Or Conclusive Evidence that the World is not a Rotating Revolving Globe but a Stationary Plane Circle - The Flat Earth Thomas Winship presents forty-one distinct arguments in support of the flat earth theory and the associated Zetetic astronomy.This book began life as a shorter pamphlet. It was only after significant... $14.68 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart