Quick view Pantianos Classics Charles Dickens As I Knew Him: The Story of the Reading Tours in Great Britain and America - A Biography of the Author George Dolby worked as manager and secretary for the author Charles Dickens, accompanying him on his famous writing tours in Britain and North America.As well as being a prolific author, Charles... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Charles Simeon: Biography of the Great Anglican Preacher and Evangelical Christian This biography of the pioneering English evangelical Charles Simeon takes us through his greatest adventures and accomplishments in the name of the Lord.Converting to Christianity when taking... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Chief of the Pilgrims: Or the Life and Time of William Brewster, Ruling Elder of the Pilgrim Company That Founded New Plymouth, the Parent Co William Brewster was an important official who helped organize passage aboard the Mayflower, an English ship which took a group of migrating families to Massachusetts.This biography begins long... $20.20 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Christ in All the Scriptures: And Beginning at Moses and All the Prophets He Expounded Unto Them in All the Scriptures the Things Concerning Himself This meticulous manual catalogues all the references and appearances of Jesus Christ in the scriptures of the Old Testament and the Gospels.The notion that Christ's life and death are foreshadowed by... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Christian Perfection: The Spiritual Character of a Good Christian Believer; Adherence to God and Holiness, Faith and Sanctity P. T. Forsyth describes the nature of Christian perfection, and the qualities of character required for a person to attain a state of spiritual maturity and closeness to God.In the first chapter,... $14.68 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Christianity in Talmud and Midrash: The Presence of Jesus and Christian Influences in the Jewish Literature This study of early Christianity investigates how the Gospel of Christ and Christian ideas influenced Jewish rabbinical texts, particularly the Talmud and Midrash.How and to what extent the emergence... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Chromatography: Or a Treatise on Colors and Pigments, and of Their Powers for Painters and Artists Chromatography is the study of colors and pigments; this book is designed to guide painters, artists and others to the classification and theory behind colors.Celebrated for years after its release,... $13.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Chronological History of the Mosher Family: Genealogical Records and Anecdotes of the Moshers, from the 1700s to 1891 This history offers an insight into the generations of the Mosher family, who emigrated from Manchester, England to colonial-era North America.Charting the lives of some ten generations of Moshers,... $13.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Colonel Ninian Beall: Settler and Militia Leader in Colonial-Era Maryland The fascinating life of Ninian Beall, a military Scotsman who went on to become one of Maryland's most revered individuals, is detailed in this biography.Ninian Beall's importance in the history of... $14.68 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Colonial and Revolutionary History of Upper South Carolina Filled with local stories and dramatic scenes of fighting from across many decades, J. B. O. Landrum's chronicle of South Carolina is a treasure of the past.The author is enthusiastic in presenting... $21.11 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount Martin Luther's commentary upon the Sermon of the Mount is lively, informed, and a perfect gateway to the writings of the great Renaissance theologian and Bible scholar.As the exemplifying source of... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Communication, the Social Matrix of Psychiatry: Human Psychology, Behavior and Culture in the Modern Society Understanding how communication works in society is a crucial part of social psychology; this groundbreaking work by Ruesch and Bateson explains themes vital to understanding the subject.Each chapter... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Contributions to Psycho-Analysis S?ndor Ferenczi details several of his most notable contributions to psychology and psychoanalysis in this series of essays, including his ideas about dream theory and symbolism.Ferenczi was... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Costume of Prelates of the Catholic Church: According to Roman Etiquette This illustrated and in-depth examination concerns the ceremonial dress of the Catholic Church, with the garments of various offices of clergy explained in detail.The many subtleties and fine points... $17.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Crania Aegyptiaca: Or, Observations On Egyptian Ethnography, Derived From Anatomy, History and the Monuments Samuel Morton studied the excavated remains of ancient Egyptians to gain insight into their origins and relation to other ancient ethnic groups, and published these results.When Morton released his... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Croatian Tales of Long Ago: The Myths, Legends and Folk Stories of Croatia This vibrant and illustrated selection of Croatian myths and heroic folk tales offers stunning glimpses into a centuries-old culture.The familiar themes of the fairy tale - the gallant hero, fearsome... $14.68 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Croquet: Rules of the Game and Official Laws This official manual of the British Croquet Association dates from 1920, and includes several illustrations which help explain the rules and methodology behind this classic game.Variations of croquet... $14.68 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions - The History of Human Culture, its Role in Social Sciences Alfred Louis Kroeber offers an all-embracing account of human culture, looking at its historical definitions, contemporary definitions, and its role as a foundation for all of the social sciences.A... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Daniel and the Revelation: The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy; A Verse by Verse Study of These Important Books of the Bible - The C Both parts of Uriah Smith's astounding commentary of the Book of Daniel, and its prophetic relation to the birth and life of Jesus Christ, are united in this edition.The Book of Daniel has aroused... $22.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road: Biography of a Great American Explorer This lively and detailed biography of Daniel Boone celebrates his pioneering spirit as a frontiersman in colonial-era America, and soldier during the Revolutionary War.Famous for embodying the... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Daniel Gookin: 1612-1687; Assistant and Major General of the Massachusetts Bay Colony; His Life and Letters and Some Account of His A Daniel Gookin was a pioneering settler who resided in Virginia and Massachusetts, taking an interest in and writing about the Native Americans, toward whom he felt sympathy.Born in County Cork,... $16.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King Meyer's spirited and moving account of the life of King David follows the progress of David from humble shepherd to glorious king of Israel and Judah.The story of David's life and rise from modest... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Definite Medication: Containing Therapeutic Facts Gleaned from Forty Years Practice - Homeopathic Medicine and Herbal Remedies Eli G. Jones, a doctor who worked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, describes a variety of remedies he claims work to cure ailments both minor and serious.Most of the methods described by... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Devil's Pulpit, or Astro-Theological Sermons: With a Sketch of the Preacher's Life, and an Astronomical Introduction Taylor's sermons on Christian history were controversial for challenging the established doctrines of the Church of England, and for introducing topics hitherto deemed blasphemous.Armed with years of... $29.39 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Devotion to St. Anthony of Padua: The Novena of Nine Tuesdays and Prayers in His Honor This book contains prayers and devotions dedicated to the memory of Saint Anthony of Padua, a Franciscan priest who travelled widely and was renowned for his charisma and spiritual depth.Originally... $12.66 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences Galileo's groundbreaking dialogues are a summation of three decades of scientific work he had undertaken in the fledgling field of physics. This edition includes the diagrams crucial for... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Diseases of the Eye: History of Ophthalmic Medicine - Treatments and Diagnoses Described by a Surgeon and Professor of Ophthalmology in the Ophthalmologist Nathaniel L. MacBride discusses the various maladies of the eye - first published in 1897, this book offers insight into the history of ophthalmology and eye medicine.Beginning with... $15.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Doctor Syn: A Smuggler Tale of the Romney Marsh Herein is the tale of Doctor Syn, a swashbuckling smuggler who ferried brandy and tobacco from the French countryside to Romney Marsh in southeast England.The titular character is no ordinary sea... $13.57 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Dreams and Images: An Anthology of Catholic Poets Joyce Kilmer's supreme compilation arranges classic Catholic poems by their creators, their verses spanning many topics as well as centuries of Christian history and worship.With works collected from... $17.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Pantianos Classics Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor: Ancient York Rite and Rituals of the Freemasons; All Degrees of Mastery Duncan's Masonic Ritual is a superb guide to the historic rituals and practices of the Freemason societies, for the initiation of new members and the ceremonies of the Masonic lodges.First published... $17.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart