Quick view Prodigy Wizard A Simple Workbook for Counting Money I Children's Money & Saving Reference The world of dinosaurs is full of mysteries and discoveries. Let your kids explore the world of the most dangerous creatures in the world's history by going over the pages of this educational... $11.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard ABC Coloring Book for Baby & Toddler I Alphabet Book Let your kids know more about the shy but playful Panda Bear through this entertaining book. Let them discover the geographical distribution, diet, and other facts pertaining to China's most popular... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Adding Multi-Digit Numbers Is Fun I Children's Science & Nature Polar bears are cute and cuddly but they can be dangerous, too! This educational resource will reveal interesting facts about polar bears. The purpose of which is to educate little learners and at... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Addition Games for Second Graders Math Essentials | Children's Arithmetic Books Ratios and proportions are not to be taken lightly. These are math concepts that are quite a challenge to understand, much more master. However, the use of the right tools can help speed up the... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Addition Grade 1 Math Essentials | Children's Arithmetic Books It's important to teach child phonics because it is the true foundation of reading. Sight words call for memorization but phonics hones the skills. It trains your child to read the letters and then... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Cancer! Explaining Cancer to Kids - What Is It? - Children's Disease Books Let's go cursive! Cursive is reported to be much more beneficial compared to printing because how you create the letters is more complex and the task is more demanding. The visual recognition... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Cursive Handwriting Book : Children's Reading & Writing Education Books Social skills may not be graded but they're very important in determining the success of any child. Social skills refer to the ability to communicate and interact with one another. Having such skills... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Cursive Handwriting Workbook Grade 6 : Children's Reading & Writing Education Books Fine motor skills is an important element in the proper growth and development of a child. Such skills help to manipulate images like holding crayons or drinking from a glass. Sure, children would... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Don't Get Sick! How Kids Can Keep Healthy and Safe - Good Hygiene for Kids - Children's Disease Books Cursive is pretty and it is highly effective in bringing messages across. It is a continuous writing style. Each letter is connected to the other so your thought process is not limited by each letter... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Earth Rocks! - All about the Rocks and Minerals Beneath Our Feet. Earth Science for Kids - Children's Earth Sciences Books Can kindergarteners remember lessons in fractions? If there are actual examples, of course, then can! The advantage of teaching young learners is that they absorb information like a sponge. Your... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Earthquakes! - An Earthshaking Book on the Science of Plate Tectonics. Earth Science for Kids - Children's Earth Sciences Books Let's learn to write and write to learn! This activity book is designed to help second graders wright better and faster. Inside this book, you will see exercises that range from easy to difficult... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Fiber! Foods That Give You Daily Fiber - Healthy Eating for Kids - Children's Diet & Nutrition Books Explains why fiber is an important part of our daily diet, and introduces foods that are high in fiber.Author: Prodigy WizardPublisher: Prodigy WizardPublication Date: Jun 21, 2016Number of Pages: 40... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard First Words Books for Toddlers : Children's Reading & Writing Education Books Is anything really simple when it comes to counting? Well, it really depends on how the lessons are presented. For instance, this learning resource uses a combination of age-appropriate and... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard First Words Picture Book : Children's Reading & Writing Education Books Good hygiene is very important because it saves your child from potentially life-threatening diseases. But how do you teach your child about it? You will have to lead by example and make your child... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Fractions 4th Grade Math Essentials: Children's Fraction Books Volcanoes are fascinating because they are the only land forms that connect the core to the crust. They are home to super hot lava that actually fertilize land when they touch outer soil. Let's learn... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Fractions Books for Kids Math Essentials: Children's Fraction Books Fight the Big C with those suffering from it! This educational book will take your child through a possibly ugly journey of pain and diseases. But why should your child still go through with it? It's... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Fractions Children's Book Math Essentials: Children's Fraction Books It's time your child understands why he/she should eat healthy. Why? Because you won't always be there to watch over your child's food choices. But by instilling understanding of food and health, you... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Fractions for 3Rd Grade Math Essentials: Children's Fraction Books Did you know that fossils are the main reasons why we know so much about our past? Fossils are remains of plants and animals that have been sealed in layer of rock and sometimes, in permafrost. By... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Fractions for 5Th Graders Math Essentials: Children's Fraction Books To teach a child early is to plant the love for study. You see, the best foundation comes in how lessons are delivered. At such a young age, your child deserves to learn on his/her own pace using... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Fun Fossils! - Everything You Could Want to Know about the History Laying Beneath Our Feet. Earth Science for Kids. - Children's Earth Sciences Books Telling time and counting money are two concepts that are often linked together because they pretty much encourage the same set of math skills. Both boost your child's skip counting skills, and the... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Handwriting Practice for Teens : Children's Reading & Writing Education Books Let's discuss plate tectonics and how it causes volcanoes to erupt. What was supposed to a difficult theory to digest has now been made easy to understand with the use of resources like this... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Help Me Get Ready for School! Learning Activities for Preschoolers to Master - Children's Early Learning Books Make subtraction fun through this wonderful activity book! Inside are exercises that are appropriate for kindergarteners. By making the activities doable, you are encouraging your child's "I can do... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Helping Mommy at the Grocery Store : A Counting Book I Children's Early Learning Books Ba-ba-baboons! Can you say it many times over? This educational resource will take your child to the wonderful world of baboons. You can use this as an introduction or a refresher. You can also use... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard I Got the Flu! Explaining the Common Cold and Flu to Kids - Keep Them Safe! - Children's Disease Books To become good at addition, you should let your child practice as often as possible. Use this workbook as the practice tool that your child can use for self-paced learning. Grab a copy of this book... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard I Want to Know Math! I Want to Read! Learning Activities to Help Kids Prepare for Formal Learning - Children's Early Learning Books Cursive writing is very helpful to learners with dyslexia and dysgraphia. This is because the connected letters and fluid motion of this type of writing creates wider visual recognition. But cursive... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard I'm Immune! How Your Immune System Keeps You Safe - Health Books for Kids - Children's Disease Books Fractions, fractions...get some action! Don't just memorize concepts because they will do little when it comes to working with actual numbers. Rather, spend the time to work on activities that are... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Learning Is Fun! It's All a Game! Learning Games and Activities Children Will Want to Do - Children's Early Learning Books Sixth grade fractions are difficult, yes, but they are very much doable. The secret is the use of activities that are equal parts challenging and answerable. Challenge encourages attention but actual... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Multiplication Division Workbook Math Essentials Children'S Arithmetic Books What is Zinc and how does it benefit the body? Open this book to learn the answer to these questions and also get a glimpse of what Zinc-rich foods are. The layout and use of pictures will keep this... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Multiplication Games For 3Rd Graders Math Essentials Children'S Arithmetic Books Yes, learning is fun and it's time your child learns this truth. How? You can make that possible by using this wonderful educational resource. Learning games boost your child's readiness for school... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Prodigy Wizard Multiplication Grade 3 Math Essentials Children's Arithmetic Books Teach your little ones the basics of counting while inputting some household lessons like going to the groceries. This early learning book is a good material to introduce responsibilities at home and... $10.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart