Sale 10% Quick view Stockcero Los Diarios Intimos The private diaries record aspects of everyday life, woven together by the affective life, in an attempt to capture and contain them in words, and to retain them through writing. They originated as... $39.90 $36.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Stockcero Los Enga??s de Un Enga?? y Confusion de Un Papel Agustin Moreto (1618-1669) was one of the most acclaimed playwrights of the Spanish Golden Age, his fame equaling that of authors such as Calder?n de la Barca, Tirso de Molina and Lope de Vega... $33.60 $30.68 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Los Misterios del Plata With Los misterios del Plata, published in 1846 (just months after the release of Domingo F. Sarmiento's Facundo), Juana Manso precedes by five years the publishing of Amalia by Jose Marmol, and... $22.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 6% Quick view Stockcero Lucia Jerez Luc?a Jerez, the only novel written by Jos? Mart? (Cuba, 1853-1895) ranks among the first and most important novels of Hispanic American Modernism. This work, overlooked or trivialized by critics... $24.00 $22.45 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 8% Quick view Stockcero M??ica sentimental As "Musica Sentimental" was published the porte?o society remarked its originality and its author's talent. The chosen subject -the stay of a "rastacueros" in Paris and his decease due to syphilis-... $31.20 $28.65 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 20% Quick view Stockcero Maluco, la novela de los descubridores At first glance, Maluco, la novela de los descubridores, by the Uruguayan novelist Napole?n Bacino Ponce de Le?n (Montevideo 1947) is about Hernando de Magalhaes' first expedition around the world,... $39.80 $32.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 11% Quick view Stockcero Manuela. Novela Bogotana By the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Eugenio Diaz Castro, having published Manuela, was already known as the author that had produced the realist novel that was "in its genre, the most faithful... $46.70 $41.75 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Martin Fierro The Martin Fierro, the classic argentine poem, has been the subject of studies and discussions ever since the issuing of its first part edition -el gaucho Martin Fierro- in 1873, and there have been... $24.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Stockcero Mecha Iturbe Mecha Iturbe, published in Buenos Aires in 1906, is the most ambitious and longest of C?sar Du?yen's five novels about the transformation of Argentina into a contemporary state in the early part of... $35.80 $32.54 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Mi vestido verde esmeralda Mi vestido verde esmeralda by Alister Ram?rez M?rquez recounts the life story of Clara, born poor in isolated, rural Colombia in 1900, who makes her way, after a mythic journey through forests,... $33.20 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Stockcero Mujeres Peligrosas: La Pasion Segun el Teleteatro Mujeres Peligrosas: La Pasion Segun el TeleteatroAuthor: Cecilia AbsatzPublisher: StockceroPublication Date: 36831Number of Pages: 252 pagesBinding: Social ScienceISBN-10: 9874324201ISBN-13:... $31.20 $26.10 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 8% Quick view Stockcero Musica sentimental "Musica Sentimental" carries as subtitle "Silbidos de un vago", the same as Cambaceres' first novel "Potpourri", that aroused ill feelings in a great part of the Argentine literary circle, most... $19.40 $17.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 8% Quick view Stockcero Navegar Pintoresco Jose Maria Llanas Aguilaniedo (1875-1921) is one of the most relevant and less know characters of the Spanish turn of the XIXth Century culture. His heterogeneous and particular works encompass... $31.40 $28.82 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 22% Quick view Stockcero Novelas y cuadros de la vida sur-americana Soledad Acosta de Samper (1833-1913) is the most prolific and important woman writer of the 19th century in Colombia. She is an exceptional representative of Colombian intellectual life of that... $52.70 $40.93 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Pepita Jimenez In Spanish, annotated edition. Born in Andalucia in 1824 Juan Valera y Alcal? Galiano was a writer, diplomat, politician, poet and literary critic. Among his eight novels, some unfinished, Pepita... $19.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Stockcero Peregrinaci?n de Luz del D?a Very far from being one of those "tales attributed to the fantasy of the old ladies", and very close to being "almost a book of moral philosophy for its concept, almost a book of politics and the... $30.20 $25.41 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Peregrinaciones de una alma triste In 1875, Juana Manuela Gorriti hurried to finish her new novel, Peregrinaciones de una alma triste, in order to include it in the two-volume collection, Panoramas de la vida, published in 1876,... $31.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Stockcero Periodicos Literarios y Generos Narrativos Menores: Fabula, Anecdota y Carta Ficticia Colombia (1792- 1850) The early nineteenth century Colombian fiction narrative lacked until now of an in depth critical study, as most histories of Colombian literature while discussing the period between 1825 and 1850... $36.00 $32.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 11% Quick view Stockcero Pioneering in the Pampas Pioneering in the Pampas ENGLISH- 156 pages. An actual historical racconto of the vicissitudes of two young British gentlemen in the Argentine pampas of 1865. In the Author's own words, "... the... $48.40 $43.19 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Stockcero Pityusa Both Pityusa (1907) and its author Jose Mar?a Llanas Aguilaniedo (1875-1921), are two key elements in the study the Spanish fin de siecle culture and decadentism. The novel orbits around the love... $33.90 $30.94 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Poema del cante jondo - Romancero gitano (conferencias y poemas) Federico Garcia Lorca is the most popular and influential poet of the XXth Century Spanish literatures, and of his works, the poems gathered in Poema del cante jondo and Romancero gitano volumes... $24.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 11% Quick view Stockcero Poemas y Canciones / Poems and songs Juan Manuel Marcos (Asunci?n, 1950) has spent a significant portion of his adult life in exile, both in Spain and in the United States, where he taught at the University of California, Los Angeles... $46.20 $41.33 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 10% Quick view Stockcero Poes?? y prosa de Bonifacio Byrne In republishing Exc?ntricas (1893) not only will we recover Bonifacio Byrne's most important volume of poetry, but also one of the most important titles of Cuban modernism, and one which will... $42.70 $38.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Stockcero Quiero Vivir Mi Vida / Punal de Claveles Carmen de Burgos (1867-1932) was one of Madrid's best-known authors during the first third of the century, when the capital was experiencing the accelerated changes associated with the processes of... $37.80 $34.23 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Recuerdos de viaje In Recuerdos de viaje (1882), the Argentine author and intellectual Eduarda Mansilla de Garcia (1838-1892) presents a stimulating travel narrative which encompasses her travel experiences as the wife... $30.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Stockcero Réquiem por un campesino español R?quiem por un campesino espa?ol, a short, elegant and moving account of the tragic effects of the Spanish Civil War on a small Aragonese population, is often called Ram?n J. Sender's greatest... $26.60 $24.64 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Stockcero Rozas - Ensayo histórico-psicológico Though Juan Manuel de Rozas has been the topic of several studies and discussions -many still going on in Argentina- this Ensayo Hist?rico-Psicol?gico is particularly enlightening beyond the... $25.50 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Stockcero Rule of Law: The Path to Freedom There is a great confusion in the world and even more in that part of the world that considers itself as representing the Western civilization. This confusion arises in two realms: the semantics and... $35.40 $32.20 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 15% Quick view Stockcero Sacrificio y recompensa Sacrificio y recompensa is the first Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera work ever published. Entered in the literary contest organized by the Ateneo de Lima in 1886, it earned its author the gold medal... $27.80 $23.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 15% Quick view Stockcero Santos Vega In spite of the precedent of Bartolom? Hidalgo's "Cielitos y Di?logos patri?ticos" -that defined the " cielito" as the tone of voice for the "gauchesca" genre- it is Hilario Ascasubi who should be... $28.70 $24.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart