Quick view Teneo Press The Existence or Non-Existence of Race?: Forensic Anthropology, Population Admixture, and the Future of Racial Classification in the U.S. In this book, Conrad Quintyn details the two intransigent sides of the race issue in biological anthropology and human biology in order to propose a common-sense compromise. This compromise is... $39.06 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press The First World Presidency: George H. W. Bush, 1989-1993 The First World Presidency presents one piece of the global debate on America's leadership, especially the U.S. presidency on the world stage. The authors pose that if the Reagan presidency created... $44.82 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press The Great Earthquake: America Comes to Messina's Rescue The earthquake that struck the Messina Straits on December 28, 1908, was Europe's most powerful catastrophe in modern times. It claimed the lives of approximately 200,000 people, including some... $31.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press The History of Brenau University, 1878-2013: A Study of Student, Faculty, and Staff Negotiation to Shape the Collegiate Experience "Gold as refined by fire" is both the meaning of the word "Brenau" and a phrase that could encapsulate the very history of this institution. Since Brenau's modest origins as a women's college in... $45.97 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press The International Experiences of First-Year Teachers Every year, a number of preservice teachers graduate from Canadian universities, are hired into international positions, and spend their first year of teaching adapting to a new career and a new... $39.06 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press The Lucas Effect: George Lucas and the New Hollywood A filmmaker, visionary, and entrepreneur, George Lucas has not only changed the way we experience film and filmmaking, but also revolutionized film industry practices and standards. George Lucas, on... $31.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press The People Are Represented: A Discourse Analysis of Contemporary Programs in the Television Crime Genre In this book, Maria Siano (assistant professor of communication arts at Ramapo College) analyzes the discourse about criminals presented in the television criminal genre, and identifies shared media... $39.01 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press The Reluctant Migrants: Migration from the Veneto to Central Massachusetts 1880-1920 Most accounts of Italian immigration published in English have dealt with the waves of migration from southern Italy, but very little has been written on those who left northern Italy and their... $36.77 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Teneo Press Woman on Trial: Gender and the Accused Woman in Plays from Ancient Greece to the Contemporary Stage The woman on trial appears in plays throughout the history of drama, from its beginnings to the present. This highly dramatic scenario, centering on the archetypical unruly woman and often giving her... $36.77 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart