Quick view Universal Publishers Across the Pacific: From Ancient Asia to Precolombian America In former times, even more than today, climatic changes had major influences on migratory flows, and consequently on ancient agrarian civilizations, leading to deep economic, social, political and... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Acting in On-Camera Commercials: Student Workbook and Instruction Guide Performing on TV commercials is bread and butter for actors. It not only helps them pay the rent while striving for recognition, frequently it enables them to break into film, television and theater... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Adolescent Sexual Socialization and Teen Magazines: A Cross-National Study Between the United States and the Netherlands The majority of scientific research on teen magazines has been conducted from a single-country perspective, even though the experience of sex and sexuality is known to vary by country. Moreover, no... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Advanced Skills in Executive Protection Any professional actively engaged in the executive protection field, novice or veteran, whether in a team or as team leader, must train for, and be able to pinpoint, even the most unexpected security... $48.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Advancing Conjugate Gaze: Advanced Concepts in Reflex Mind-Body Therapy Advancing Conjugate Gaze advances Dr. Perri's Conjugate Gaze approach of manipulative reflex therapy to an integrated mind-body approach to reflex-based physical and somato-emotional therapeutics... $37.29 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Against the Tide: A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done Nobody should have a monopoly of the truth in this universe. The censorship and suppression of challenging ideas against the tide of mainstream research, the blacklisting of scientists, for instance,... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers All about French Nouns: Focus on Gender "People nouns" (about 1500) are either optional-sex (un enfant, une enfant) or one-sex oriented (un fr?re, une soeur). To determine gender, in these two instances only, endings do not matter. Sex... $37.29 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Altruism and Social Capital This book discusses altruism as a sociological category similar to the concept of social capital. The author explains why pro-social action is the basis for social capital, and analyzes sociological... $26.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers America's Founding Fathers: Who Are They? Thumbnail Sketches of 164 Patriots Do you know who the founding fathers are? Did you know that Robert Morris was essentially the first Secretary of the Treasury. Did you know that only two men signed all three of the great documents... $26.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers American Scissors and Shears: An Antique and Vintage Collectors' Guide American Scissors and Shears provides an historical overview of more than 100 companies and individuals involved in producing scissors and shears in the United States from the mid-1800s to... $43.84 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers An Appeal to History: The Truth about a Singular Lawsuit Written by the former president of Haiti. "Prosper Avril is the best chance for a genuine democracy in Haiti. He is intelligent and respected by his troops" (New York Times, October 8, 1988). This is... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers An Atlas of Opossum Organogenesis: Opossum Development This atlas presents a series of photographic illustrations and line drawings that summarize the major developmental events that occur during organogenesis in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana).It... $48.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers An Introduction to Gravity Modification: A Guide to Using Laithwaite's and Podkletnov's Experiments and the Physics of Forces for Empirical Results, An Introduction to Gravity Modification, Second Edition is the result of a 12-year (1999-2011) study into the theoretical and technological feasibility of gravity modification, that presents the new... $48.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers An Introduction to Vitamins, Minerals and Oxidative Stress: The Role of Micronutrients and Reactive Oxygen Species in Normal and Pathological Processe This book presents in simple and concise terms the biological functions of vitamins and minerals, what makes them essential to life and why they must be replenished daily from food. The best food... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Arduino for the Cloud: Arduino Y?n and Dragino Y?n Shield Arduino for the Cloud considers the Arduino Y?n and the Dragino Y?n Shield as components closing the gap between a typical microcontroller application and connection to the cloud. Arduino Y?n... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Automobile Insurance Made Simple "Automobile Insurance Made Simple" is a comprehensive, easy to understand consumer's guide to auto insurance. It explains the basic coverages provided by most auto insurance policies, along with... $26.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Band AIDS: A Program Guide for the New Band Director Band Aids is an organizational guide for early career band directors and for more experienced directors seeking new organizational and management strategies and approaches for their school and... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Barbie: The Icon, the Image, the Ideal: An Analytical Interpretation of the Barbie Doll in Popular Culture This thesis is a cultural analysis of: a) women's idealized perception of the Barbie doll, and b) the construction of the Barbie doll image through marketing. In addition, both areas will provide a... $26.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers BASCOM Programming of Microcontrollers with Ease: An Introduction by Program Examples BASCOM-8051 and BASCOM-AVR are development environments built around a powerful BASIC compiler. Both are suited for project handling and program development for the 8051 family and its derivatives as... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Basic Genetics: A Primer Covering Molecular Composition of Genetic Material, Gene Expression and Genetic Engineering, and Mutations an Basic Genetics is a concise introductory textbook that focuses not only on understanding and explaining the main points of genetics, but also upon covering the required essential traditional subjects... $56.94 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Basics of Stage Combat: Single Sword The single sword is the most-used weapon on both stage and screen. The techniques used in single sword stage combat are derived from real combative methods used historically, and modified for acting... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Basics of Stage Combat: Unarmed This book is an introduction to the basics of stage combat in the area of unarmed combat. It holds enough information to give students an understanding of the subject, as well as how to perform some... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Behind the Shield: Anti-Riot Operations Guide The worldwide number of incidents involving civil disturbances, public unrests, demonstrations, uprisings, and riots is increasing by the minute. Each incident presents an ever-demanding challenge... $43.84 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Best Practices in Occupational Health, Safety, Workers Compensation and Claims Management for Employers: Assisting Employers in Navigating ""The Road t Best Practices in Occupational Health, Safety, Workers Compensation and Claims Management for Employers will guide human resources professionals, health and safety professionals, and management to... $102.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Beyond the Bodyguard: Proven Tactics and Dynamic Strategies for Protective Practices Success This book is an advanced, well-rounded and in-depth view about what it takes to be the best in the international arena, in a world where change is the only constant. It is endorsed by a wide range of... $35.10 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Bipoints Before Clovis: Trans-Oceanic Migrations and Settlement of Prehistoric Americas This archaeological publication covers the development, definition, classification, and world-wide deployment of the lithic bipoint and includes numerous photographs, drawings, and maps. Lithic... $42.75 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Boosting the Mind's Eye: Visualizing for Social and Emotional Intelligence This book uses theory and research to support a program that aids parents, educators, counselors, and psychologists to help bolster and increase emotional intelligence within children and adults... $41.66 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Boundary Politics and International Boundaries of Iran: A Study of the Origin, Evolution, and Implications of the Boundaries of Modern Iran with Its 1 This book is about Iranian boundaries at a time when crisis of various nature are occurring around Iran, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, with immediate effect on the Iranian borderlands and... $32.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Bridge Across the Abyss: Medical Myths and Misconceptions A fearless investigation of mainstream medicine's most revered dogma, Bridge Across the Abyss is solidly based on trusted medical literature. Find out why advice from authorities on screening tests,... $26.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Universal Publishers Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists This book is for agriculturists, many of whom are either novices or non-computer programmers, about how they can build their mathematical models in Microsoft Excel. Of all modeling platforms,... $43.84 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart