Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Anxiety in Relationships: The Essential Guide to Move Beyond Negative Thinking, Jealousy and Fear of Abandonment Does thinking about the future of your relationship always leave you imagining the worst-case scenario? Do you constantly live with a sense of insecurity?Are you in a relationship but you feel like... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Anxious Ambivalent Attachment: Do you Swing between Clinginess and Detachment in Relationships? Build Healthy, Lasting Connections without Letting An Do you often find yourself worrying that your partner might leave you, or do you fear abandonment even in a stable relationship? Maybe you experience frequent jealousy, feeling that no matter your... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Codependecy in Relationships: Can Love Become a Trap? Reclaiming Your Life from Addiction, Abuse, Trauma, and Toxic Shaming Are you constantly striving to please others, leaving you feeling drained and unfulfilled? Does your self-worth hinge on the approval of others, making you question your identity and desires? Are you... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Come Controllare le tue Emozioni: Manuale pratico per identificare cosa ti manda in tilt, fermare le spirali negative e ritrovare la calma Ti ritrovi sveglio di notte perch? non riesci a smettere di preoccuparti per ci? che ? successo durante il giorno?La rabbia, la paura, la tristezza e la preoccupazione sono sempre con te?Cercano di... $18.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Dismissive Avoidant Attachment: Stop Ignoring your Emotions, Shorten Distance in Relationships and Cultivate Emotional Intimacy without Feeling Trappe Do you find it difficult to maintain a successful relationship and enter into intimacy?Despite your noble efforts to advance your romantic relationship, is it not moving forward?Are you afraid of... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Disorganized Attachment: Move Beyond Your Fear of Abandonment, Intimacy, and Build a Secure Love Connection Do you ever feel like you're on a rollercoaster in your relationship?Do you have a deep desire for connection and intimacy, but also a fear of being hurt or abandoned?Do you sometimes find yourself... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Emotionally Absent Mothers: Breaking Free from the Deep Pain of Feeling Unseen, Unloved, and Unworthy as an Adult Child to Rediscover Your Self-Wo Did your mother's love always feel out of reach, conditional, or absent?Have the wounds of being emotionally neglected by the person who should have nurtured you left lasting scars?Are you searching... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Fearful Avoidant Attachment: Managing Hot/Cold Behaviours, Improving Emotional Intimacy Issues, and Building Deep Connections with Your Partner Do you find it difficult to maintain a successful relationship and enter into intimacy?Despite your best efforts to advance your romantic relationship, does it not move forward?Do you feel the fear... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Gelosia Retroattiva: Una Guida per Liberarsi da Rimuginazioni, Ansia, Dubbi Ossessivi e Lasciare Andare il Passato del Tuo Partner Il passato del tuo partner ti ossessiona?Desideri conoscere ogni dettaglio, anche se sai che ti far? male?Riempi i vuoti con assurdi scenari immaginari?A volte pensi di stare impazzendo?La risposta a... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Healing Your Inner Child: Reclaiming your Little Child That is Wounded Within You, Overcome Trauma and Let Go of the Past to Find Peace Do you feel pain, guilt and anger flowing through your body uncontrolled?Do you find yourself making self-sabotage and impulsive decisions because of a past that never stops tormenting you?Do you see... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia How to Stop Being a Narcissist: Recognize your patterns, cultivate empathy, and build authentic relationships Are you afraid to show your vulnerabilities to your partner, fearing they might love you less?Do you wake up exhausted, knowing you'll have to wear that perfect person mask again? Do you just want to... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Insecure Attachment: Anxious or Avoidant in Love? Understand Your Attachment Style and Create Secure Emotional Connections Do you often find it challenging to maintain successful romantic relationships? Are you trapped in a cycle of repeating behavior patterns in your relationships, haunted by the fear of heartbreak?... $22.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Love Bombing: Love or Manipulation? How to Recognize Emotional Traps, Break Free from Manipulators, and Rediscover Your Inner Streng Are You Trapped in a Whirlwind of Overwhelming Love... or Manipulation?Have you ever felt overwhelmed by affection so intense it takes your breath away? Like you've finally found someone who... $16.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Loving Highly Sensitive People: How to Understand, Love, and Express Your Needs Without Walking on Eggshells Author: Vincenzo VeneziaPublisher: Vincenzo VeneziaPublication Date: Jan 23, 2025Number of Pages: 136 pagesBinding: Paperback or SoftbackISBN-10: NAISBN-13: 9791281498792 $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Madri Emotivamente Assenti: Liberarsi dal profondo dolore di sentirsi invisibili, non amati e indegni per riscoprire il proprio valore Hai mai avuto la sensazione che l'amore di tua madre fosse sempre irraggiungibile, condizionato o addirittura assente?Ti fa ancora male quando pensi a quei momenti in cui lei non c'era per te?Stai... $18.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Misunderstood Sons and Daughters: A Guide for Parents to Understanding, Accepting, and Loving Your Sons and Daughters for Who They Are and Aspire to B Are you struggling to connect with your son or daughter? Do you feel like you are speaking different languages? Are you afraid of causing emotional damage and seeing them drift away forever?Parenting... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Vincenzo Venezia Riconnettiti con il Tuo Bambino Interiore: Ritrova il bambino ferito dentro di te, supera i traumi e lascia andare il passato per trovare la pace Senti dolore, senso di colpa e rabbia scorrere incontrollati nel tuo corpo?Ti ritrovi a prendere decisioni autodistruttive e impulsive a causa di un passato che non smette mai di tormentarti?Vedi gli... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart