Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Le Strutture di Servizio del Cursus Publicus in Italia: Ricerche Topografiche ed Evidenze Archeologiche Roman way-stations' or stopping places along the roadside performed a number of diverse functions, including places to obtain refreshments, warehouses, baths, commercial spaces, shops, stables and... $130.00 $127.07 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Legio XX Valeria Victrix: Prosopography, archaeology and history This study of legio XX Valeria Victrix combines a personal, historical and archaeological approach to the study of the legion (roughly the first four centuries after Christ) as a whole. Epigraphic... $120.00 $117.47 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les ????ents m??alliques du costume masculin dans les provinces romaines de la mer Noire: IIIe-Ve s. ap. J.-C. This work relates to a wide study of 3rd-5th centuries-AD masculine metal objects found in various Roman contexts around the Black Sea and beyond. Collections of Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Turkish... $131.00 $128.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les archives fluviales du bassin-versant de la Beuvronne (Seine-et-Marne, Bassin Parisien, France): Perception et impacts des modifications climatique This volume is a thorough interdisciplinary study of the Paris fluvial basin, providing much new data for the interpretation of the evolution of the surrounding during the Lateglacial and Holocene... $52.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en ??ypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques This work examines the evolution of astronomical thought, as well as the various astronomical and cosmovisional ideas in pharaonic Egypt (c. 2800 -1200 BCE), after the most important religious texts... $192.00 $186.57 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les au-del?? azt??ues This work is dedicated to the after-life beliefs and mortuary practices of the ancient Aztecs. The ultimate aim is to establish how the Aztecs understood death and to define whether the individual's... $92.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les Derniers ""Sauvages"": Territoires ??onomiques et syst??es techno-fonctionnels m??olithiques Based on the author's thesis, this detailed study analyses lithic assemblages from epipalaeolithic and mesolithic sites in southern and south-west France - sites such as Fontfaures, de la Balma de la... $79.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les industries ??bifaces de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest au Pl??stoc??e moyen This volume is a study of the bi-face (stone tool) industries of northwest Europe in the mid-Pleistocene, especially around the basins of the Somme and the Escaut (in France and Belgium). Through... $63.45 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les industries ??galets am??ag?? du littoral sud-armoricain (France) au Pal??lithique inf??ieur: ??ude techno-typologique, rapports avec l'Acheul??n e This is a detailed technical and typological study of the pebble-tool industries from the southern Armorican coast during the Lower Palaeolithic. The study examines regional 'Colombanian' group and... $90.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les industries lithiques aurignaciennes de l'abri Pataud, Dordogne, France: Les fouilles de Hallam L. Movius Jr. A new approach to the important site of Abri Pataud in the V?z?re valley, near Les Eyzies, Dordogne. This important site has a very rich Upper Palaeolithic sequence, beginning with Aurignacian... $142.00 $138.58 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les industries lithiques du Chass??n en Languedoc oriental: Caract??isation par l'analyse technologique Based on the author's thesis, this study analyses a series of lithic assemblages from the region of Chaseen in eastern Languedoc. Vanessa Lea sets out the background context and methodology of her... $126.00 $123.23 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les m??aherbivores (????hantid?? et Rhinoc??otid??) au Pal??lithique moyen en Europe du Nord-Ouest: Pal????ologie, taphonomie et aspects palethnograph The ways in which the Hominids of the Middle Palaeolithic acquired megaherbivores is still a point of controversy. Did Neanderthals have sufficient intellectual and technological capacities to hunt... $129.00 $126.11 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les outillages n??lithiques en Syrie du Nord: M??hode de d??itage et gestion laminaire durant le PPNB The period which extended from the 10th to the 8th millennium BP in the Near East corresponds to the PPNB phase of the Neolithic (Pre-Pottery Neolithic B). During this period the last constituent... $97.00 $95.39 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les p??roglyphes des Petites Antilles M??idionales: Contextes physique et culturel Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 11 Author: Sofia J??sson MarquetPublisher: British Archaeological Reports Oxford LtdPublication Date: Sep 15, 2002Number of Pages: 382 pagesBinding: Paperback... $156.00 $152.02 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les pavements d'opus signinum: Technique, d??or, fonction architecturale 'Opus signinum' is an antique floor-covering technique, especially noted in the Mediterranean area. The technique is based on a waterproof mortar of a mixture of lime, water and tile powder which... $104.00 $102.11 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les petits bovid?? (Caprini et Rupicaprini) pl??stoc??es dans le bassin m??iterran??n et le Caucase: Etude pal??ntologique, biostratigraphique, arch?? This research explores 4 main genera of bovids found in major Middle and Upper Pleistocene sites in the wider Mediterranean area and the Caucasus. Four geographical zones offer sites from Spain to... $113.00 $110.75 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les plaquettes de schiste grav??s du Saut-du-Perron - The Engraved Schist Plaquettes from Saut-du-Perron (Commune de Villerest Loire France) The open-air sites at Saut-du-Perron (the Villerest district of the Loire, France) have been explored for more than a hundred years and are known in the archaeological literature principally for the... $52.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les premi??es occupations agricoles de l'arc antillais migration et insularit?? Le cas de l'occupation salado??e ancienne de la Martinique This volume undertakes to research the major issues regarding the early agricultural occupations in Martinique. These include the dating of the occupations, the environment, the ways of managing the... $90.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les premiers chasseurs maritimes et les chasseurs terrestres de Patagonie australe: Comportements techno-??onomiques et identit??culturelle: contribut Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 10 This monograph discusses the opposition between maritime hunters and the pampas hunters of southernmost Patagonia. The various lithic technologies are... $106.00 $104.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les premiers peuplements en Europe Colloque international: Donn?es r?centes sur les modalit?s de peuplement et sur le cadre chronostratigraphique, g?ologique et pal?og?ographique des industries du Pal?olithique ancien et moyen en... $176.00 $171.22 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les productions c??amiques du Qu??ec m??idional, c. 1680-1890: Analyses, caract??isation et provenances Historical records mention that over 200 potters were active in Southern Qu?bec between 1655 and 1920. These locally-made productions are now found on every archaeological excavation undertaken in... $52.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les rhinoc??os fossiles des sites pr??istoriques de l'Europe m??iterran??nne et du Massif Central: Pal??ntologie et implications biochronologiques This study focuses on a number of important prehistoric sites in the Mediterranean area. The primary objective is a proposition for a chronology of these sites based on the paleontological remains of... $75.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les s??ultures simples et plurielles du Campaniforme et du Bronze ancien dans le Bassin rhodanien et ses zones d'influences This work is a survey of 'individual' Beaker culture and Early Bronze Age burial methods in the French section of the Rh?ne basin, and its sphere of influence. It classifies the various forms and... $66.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les salines pr??ispaniques du bassin de Sayula (Occident du Mexique): Milieu et techniques Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 6Through the study of pre-hispanic salt-making sites in the Basin of Sayula on the east Mexican coast, this book aims to shed further light on the major... $106.00 $104.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les strat??ies de production des outils au Pal??lithique Moyen: Contribution ??la compr??ension du comportement des N??ndertaliens This ambitious study aims to explore the decision-making processes of Neanderthals when making and selecting tools, from selecting the raw material to the finished tool and its use. Based on lithic... $167.00 $162.58 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les structures d'habitat enclos de la Protohistoire du Japon Several hundred enclosed protohistorical settlements have been discovered in Japan since the 1950s. They date mainly from the Yayoi period (350 BC to 300 AD) and the early Kofun period (300 to 700... $108.86 $106.78 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Les structures de l'habitat rural protohistorique dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et le nord-ouest de la France This book presents an inventory and a detailed analysis of protohistorical settlements from south-western England and north-western France. The sites are classified and statistically compared... $108.00 $105.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Limes XVIII - Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000), Volume 1 A conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaeology at the... $210.00 $203.85 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Limes XVIII - Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000), Volume 2 A conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaeology at the... $174.00 $169.30 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Liminal Images: Aspects of Medieval Architectural Sculpture in the South of England from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries The presence of unusual, grotesque and rude carvings on ecclesiastical buildings have been explained in a number of ways, from reflecting the warped sense of humour of the masons, to a purely... $88.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart