Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Linear Earthwork, Tribal Boundary and Ritual Beheading: Aves Ditch from the Iron Age to the Early Middle Ages Aves Ditch is one of the best-preserved and yet most enigmatic of the ancient monuments in Oxfordshire, and it has remained a landmark to the present day. Lined by a straight row of trees, it can be... $50.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Lithic Raw Material Economies in Late Glacial and Early Postglacial Europe Lithic analyses of all kinds have a long history in archaeological studies. For many years, morphological studies of tool-types and elaborate discussions of relative chronologies were a primary... $79.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Lithic Technology of Neolithic Syria This study examines the interpretative possibilities of stone tools for understanding cultural development in the Levantine Neolithic. The emphasis is on behavioural aspects of lithic industries such... $99.00 $97.31 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Lithics 'Down Under': Australian Perspectives on Lithic Reduction, Use and Classification This monograph takes a new look at various aspects of stone artefact analysis that reveal important and exciting new information about the past, and in particular Australian perspectives on lithics... $50.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Littamum: Una mansio nel Noricum / Eine Mansio im Noricum The excavations of the Roman settlement of Littamum in San Candido, situated in the Alps have been conducted at a variety of sites over the past three decades, as construction becomes an increasing... $147.00 $143.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Local and Imported Ceramics in the Roman Province of Scythia (4th - 6th centuries AD) This monograph is a first attempt to present a general outline of the economic evolution of the province of Scythia (4th-6th centuries AD) from a ceramic point of view. The author aims to fill a gap... $79.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Lodge Hill Camp, Caerleon and the Hillforts of Gwent Authors: Joshua Pollard, Ray Howell, Adrian Chadwick and Anne Leaver.Contributions by Michael Hamilton, Philip Macdonald, Lesley McFadyen, Elaine Morris, Rick Peterson, Neil Phillips, Ruth Young, Tim... $44.13 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Looking beyond the Castle Walls: The Weobley Castle Project In the early 16th century Weobley was described as 'a market town in Herefordshire, where is a goodly castell, but somewhat in decay'. Less than a century later, and based on a plan made by Silas... $88.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Los Or??enes de la Estratificaci?? Social Focussed on the sierra de Huelva, in southwest Spain, Sanju?n constructs a regional sequence change from c. 2500 to 750 BC. The study combines the results of the survey, excavation and locational... $116.42 $114.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Los primeros grupos neol??icos de la cuenca extreme?? del Tajo This is the first monograph to focus on the study of Early Neolithic groups along the Tagus river basin, in Central Spain. The author presents the first archaeological results on the Neolithic... $77.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Los Templos Coloniales como Estructuras Funerarias: Arqueolog?? en la iglesia jesuita de Mendoza The city of Mendoza in western Argentina, situated at the foot of the Andes, was founded in 1561. From the end of the 16th century and throughout the 17th century a slow process of colonisation to... $65.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Los territorios septentrionales del Conventus Carthaginensis durante el Imperio romano: Estudio de la romanizaci?? de Carpetania This study is primarily concerned with the northern territories of the -Conventus Carthaginensis- during Roman imperialism. Chapter 1 - The territory and its inhabitants; Chapter 2 - A study of... $183.00 $177.93 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Lower Palaeolithic Small Tools in Europe and the Levant In accordance with European Science Foundation regulations, Exploratory Workshops with a maximum of 20 participants were designed to encourage researchers from across Europe to put forward innovative... $99.00 $97.31 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd LRCW I. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry This volume contains the 48 papers from the proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry... $237.00 $229.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Lucernas romanas en el extremo nordeste de la Pen??sula Ib??ica Lucernas romanas en el extremo nordeste de la Pen??sula Ib??icaAuthor: Josep Casas-GenoverPublisher: British Archaeological Reports Oxford LtdPublication Date: Dec 31, 2006Number of Pages: 384... $111.00 $108.83 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd M??ecine et m??ecins au Proche-Orient ancien Actes du Colloque International organis? ? Lyon les 8 et 9 novembre 2002, Maison de l'Orient et de la M?diterran?e Author: Laura BattiniPublisher: British Archaeological Reports Oxford LtdPublication... $81.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd M??legabet II: A submerged Mesolithic settlement in southern Denmark Langeland Museum's underwater investigations of the submerged Late Mesolithic Erteb lle settlement M llegabet I, off the small southern Danish town of r sk bing in 1976, heralded a new era in... $86.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd M??lichkeiten und Grenzen funktionaler Interpretation an Keramik Experimente, Beobachtungen, Analysen Theoretical and technical analysis of pottery from archaeological contexts, largely based on practical experimentation. In particular, Naschinski looks at how signs of alterations or damage, as well... $79.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Managing Archaeology Underwater: A theoretical, historical and comparative perspective on society and its submerged past This book addresses the relationship between state-managed archaeology and control of the past, with particular attention to the rigid association of administration and identity, i.e. nationalism, as... $52.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Manuscript Catalogues of the Early Museum Collections (Part II): The Vice-Chancellor's Consolidated Catalogue 1695 'Given the competing demands of routine museum life, the tackling of a project in the nature of the present volume is not to be lightly undertaken. Many hours of painstaking transcription are... $115.00 $112.67 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Maritime Tel Michal and Apollonia: Results of the underwater survey 1989-1996 The results of this work are based on investigations conducted over a period of four years at Tel Michal and Apollonia, and are the result of 2,300 actual underwater hours. Evidence collected from... $59.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Markets, Minsters, and Metal-Detectors: The archaeology of Middle Saxon Lincolnshire and Hampshire compared This book presents a study and comparison of the historical and archaeological records of Middle Saxon Lincolnshire and Hampshire in the period immediately following the conversion to Christianity to... $72.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Material, Virtual and Temporal Compositions: On the Relationships between Objects Papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fifth Annual Meeting in Bournemouth 1999This volume presents ten papers (9 in English, 1 in French) given during a session of... $48.72 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Materials of Manufacture: The choice of materials in the working of bone and antler in northern and central Europe during the first millennium A The original impetus for this volume came from a small and informal conference held at the British Museum in 1997. The conference, in itself, was an inaugural meeting of the Worked Bone Research... $48.72 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Maya Dwellings in Hieroglyphs and Archaeology Bar S1324 The term otoot or dwelling' appears in many Mayan inscriptions placed on various buildings and built structures. Taking this as a starting point, Shannon Plank embarks on a quest to discern in what... $95.00 $93.47 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Medial Mandibular Ramus: Ontogenetic, idiosyncratic, and geographic variation in recent Homo, great apes, and fossil hominids This specialised and technical contribution to the debate surrounding the anatomical evolution of modern man and variations between Neanderthals and modern humans is based on the analysis of one... $57.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Medical Care for the Roman Army on the Rhine, Danube and British Frontiers in the First, Second and Early Third Centuries AD This detailed study of military medical practice on the western frontiers of the Roman army aims to discover whether legionary and auxilliary units were treated differently, whether local civilians... $90.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Medicinal Substances in Jerusalem from Early Times to the Present Day Jerusalem has always been a unique city. Hundreds of millions of people, believers of the three main monotheistic religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism, have always looked forward to visiting,... $68.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Mediterranean Pottery in Wessex Households (13th to 17th Centuries) A detailed analysis of the archaeological and historical evidence for the trade and consumption of Mediterranean pottery in the households of southern England between 1200 and 1700. Following a... $108.00 $105.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd Meinarti I: The Late Meroitic, Balla?? and Transitional Occupation Before its inundation in 1965, the island of Meinarti was situated at the foot of the Second Nile Cataract, 10km south of the town of Wadi Halfa. It was the last place that could be reached, at all... $48.72 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart