Sale 5% Quick view Cuvillier Dugout to the Other Side. Social structures inscribed in mythic tales and cosmological concepts of the Asmat An ethnic group's specific social life depends on a selection of manners in which members approach one another or take position towards a person or group. The characteristics of this conventional... $49.88 $47.59 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Cuvillier Dynamic Capabilities: Literature Review and a First Step to Operationalize Dynamic Capabilities, Value Implications of Dynamic Capabilities Dynamic capabilities describe the firms' capacity to adapt their resources with regard to external shifts in order to maintain or to even enlarge competitive advantage. In this essay the author... $36.34 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Cuvillier Effect of psychological stress on human macrophages The present thesis aimed to investigate the effects of psychological stress on the microbicidal potential of human macrophages in order to shed more light on the mechanisms that underlie... $30.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Cuvillier Electrical characterization of transition metals in silicon: a study on titanium, cobalt, and nickel and their interaction with hydrogen Silizium ist ein wichtiger Rohstoff unserer modernen Welt. Mikroelektronik, Sensorik und Photovoltaik sind drei wichtige Anwendungsgebiete, die aus unserem t?glichen Leben heute nicht mehr... $38.50 $37.77 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Cuvillier Engineering a Biofilm: Imitating Physico-Chemical Properties to Improve Mechanical Characterization Biofilms play a major role in material cycles and contribute to technical systems significantly. Despite their interference with the functionality of technical equipment or the product quality their... $35.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Cuvillier Equine Metabolic Syndrome. (Patho-)physiological variations in insulin sensitivity, glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism in lean and obese horses Variations in insulin regulation reflect either as tissue insulin resistance or insulin dysregulation result in moderate to severe hyperinsulinemia in horses and ponies suffering from the Equine... $39.38 $38.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Cuvillier Ethological and physiological indicators of positive emotions in juvenile pigs (Sus scrofa) The natural behavior of pigs is adapted to very complex environments and is characterized by a high proportion of exploratory behaviour. In modern, intensive husbandry systems, the behaviour pigs... $44.00 $42.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 4% Quick view Cuvillier Evaluation of resistance mechanisms against Delia radicum L. and Psylliodes chrysocephala L. in brassicaceous accessions control other than the seed coating effective to reduce the plant damage (ERICHSEN 2006). Since the use of neonicotinoids as a seed treatment in oilseed rape was strongly restricted by the EU in 2013... $45.00 $43.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 1% Quick view Cuvillier Evolutionary conserved features of FG repeats that allow the formation of hydrogel-based perme-ability barriers with NPC-like properties Non-globular FG domains constitute the permeability barrier of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), which control all macromolecular exchange between nucleus and cytoplasm. Whilst objects smaller than... $37.05 $36.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Cuvillier Exogenous versus Endogenous Governance of Open Collaborative Innovation Communities: An Experimental Investigation Die Entwicklung von innovativen L?sungen durch Freiwillige in Online Communities - sogenannten "Open Collaberative Innovation" (OCI) Communities - hat beachtliche Aufmerksamkeit durch die... $35.28 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 6% Quick view Cuvillier Experimental analysis of fast reactions in gas-liquid flows (Band 3) Beschreibung Gases have to be specifically mixed with a continuous liquid phase to perform a reaction with high yield and selectivity. The time scales of mixing are determined by the transport... $62.00 $58.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 5% Quick view Cuvillier External knowledge sourcing from startups: An analysis of the pre-collaboration phase (Band 133) As digitalization has caused major changes within various traditional industries, firms are forced to explore new technological paths and access knowledge beyond their boundaries. This dissertation... $49.90 $47.60 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Cuvillier First-Order Methods in Large-Scale Semidenite Optimization Semidefinite Optimization has attracted the attention of many researchers over the last twenty years. It has nowadays a huge variety of applications in such different fields as Control, Structural... $39.43 $38.57 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Cuvillier Free movement of judgements within the EU: abolishment of the exequatur and reform of the grounds of refusal to enforce?. The Commission`s proposal fo On 14 December 2010 the European Commission presented its Proposal to amend the most important instrument on European international civil procedure, the Regulation 44/2001 ( Brussels I ). Against the... $23.98 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Cuvillier Fundamental Limitations in the Measurement and Stabilization of the Carrier-Envelope Phase of Ultrashort Laser Pulses The stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort laser pulses went through a rapid development from the first publication of a feasible concept in 1999 to being a mature tool for... $27.93 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Cuvillier Fuzzy Set Theory with Applications in Claims Reserving Actuaries working in claims reserving are often faced, among others, with the following two tasks: the prediction of future outstanding loss liabilities, as well as the quantification of their risk... $68.75 $63.85 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Cuvillier Helium and Hydrogen Isotope Adsorption and Separation in Metal-Organic Frameworks The separation of isotopes has always been a challenge because of their identical size, shape and thermodynamic properties. Nowadays, the extraction of deuterium is performed e.g. by the Girdler... $64.25 $59.98 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Cuvillier High Temperature Structure Formation and Surface Diffusion of Silver on Silicon Surfaces Die vorliegende Arbeit besch?ftigt sich mit Oberfl?chendiffusion und Strukturbildung an Oberfl?chen, speziell im Fall Silber auf Silizium. Unterschiedliche Methoden werden kombiniert um Si(001) und... $43.35 $41.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Cuvillier How Chinese Women Rise. What we can learn from Chinese women with successful careers in top management Contrary to what we might expect, China has a higher proportion of women in senior executive roles than almost any other country in the world, far outstripping Western countries such as the USA,... $37.38 $36.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Cuvillier Identification of variation within sex pheromone blends of various Maruca vitrata populations for refining pheromone lures and traps in Asia The legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata, causes severe damage on legume crops in the tropics. The larvae are mainly controlled by synthetic insecticides but without satisfying results. Monitoring of the... $37.50 $36.91 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 4% Quick view Cuvillier Impact Assessment of Natural Disasters on Reconstruction Costs In recent decades the frequency and severity of natural disasters increased. This development is accompanied by an increase in catastrophe related economic losses and is assumed to continue for the... $45.38 $43.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 6% Quick view Cuvillier Impact of process conditions in open and closed reactor systems on the properties of thermally modified wood Various thermal wood modification technologies have been developed in Europe during the past decades that differ notably in the process conditions applied. However, the changes in wood properties by... $56.25 $53.08 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Cuvillier Incentives to value the dispatchable fleet's operational flexibility across energy markets Beschreibung The work at hand participates with the energy transition toward decarbonized electricity production by providing a method to analyze the incentives for the dispatchable fleet to provide... $69.75 $64.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Cuvillier International Forest Policies in Indonesia: International Influences, Power Changes and Domestic Responses in REDD+, One Map and Forest Certification The political contention that considers forests to be mere economic assets to achieve state welfare has slowly changed into a more conservative view since the Ninth World Forestry Congress in Mexico... $40.13 $39.18 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 5% Quick view Cuvillier Investigation of slow-axis beam quality degradation in high-power broad area diode lasers Modern high-power broad area (BA) diode lasers are important building blocks for the materials processing industry, combining high optical output power with high conversion efficiency. However, their... $49.88 $47.59 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Cuvillier Le senar (langue senufo du Burkina Faso). éléments de description et d'influence du jula véhiculaire dans un contexte de contact de langues Ce livre estune contribution ?la description dusena̰r (langue senufo parl?e au Burkina Faso) et ?l'analyse des traits de l'influence du jula v?hiculaire (du Burkina Faso) sur le senar. L'analyse... $95.63 $87.02 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 5% Quick view Cuvillier Linking nutrition security and agrobiodiversity: the importance of traditional vegetables for nutritional health of women in rural Tanzania Mit dieser sequentiellen Querschnittsstudie wurde die Verbindung zwischen der vorhandenen Gem?sevielfalt ("Produktion") und der Nahrungsvielfalt von Frauen ("Konsum") in drei verschiedenen Distrikten... $52.69 $50.01 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Cuvillier Linking Water Security to the Sustainable Development Goals Beschreibung Water Security is emerging as a primary sustainability challenge across the globe in the 21st century. It is a determinant for security in various societal and environ-mental aspects... $93.60 $85.28 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 8% Quick view Cuvillier Lipid migration in crystalline fat suspensions: Investigation of possible pathways and mechanisms This thesis discusses potential pathways and driving forces for lipid transport through crystalline fat suspensions such as chocolate. Observation of macroscopic migration indicated that structure... $82.75 $75.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Cuvillier Lowering of the boiling curve of biodiesel by metathesis The boiling line of diesel fuels is relevant for the combustion in modern engines. Biodiesel shows a boiling behavior that is very different to diesel fuel. To adapt the boiling line, metathesis... $27.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart