Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Ibn Battuta in Black Africa Abu Abdalla ibn Battuta (1304-1354) was one of the greatest travelers of pre-modern times. He traveled to Black Africa twice. He reported about the wealthy, multi-cultural trading centers of the... $84.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Iran: A Short History. Monika Gronke No country in the Islamic Middle East presents as unique and distinguished a history and culture as Iran, which has managed to maintain its inherent characteristics -- some of them from pre-Islamic... $29.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Islam in Europe: The Lure of Fundamentalism and the Allure of Cosmopolitanism Islam in Europe is a book full of striking images: the assassination of and the death threats against artists and intellectuals; violent demonstrations demanding Sharia [Koranic] law for Europe; acts... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Islamic Art and Literature Edited by Oleg Grabar, one of the leading experts in Islamic art history, along with Cynthia Robinson, this book breaks new ground in the field of Middle Eastern art history. While illuminated... $27.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Islamism in Morocco Malika Zeghal analyzes the historical roots and recent evolution of Moroccan Islamist movements in the context of a new political system that combines pluralistic electoral competition with... $34.90 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Jews and Judaism in African History This timely book is the first to cover the history of Jews from the times of Alexander the Great and Caesar to Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela. Jews have often been a marginalized minority, yet they have... $29.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Jews in Nigeria While Jews have long had a presence in Ethiopia and the Maghreb, Africa's newest Jewish community of note is in Nigeria, where upwards of twenty thousand Igbos are commonly claimed to have adopted... $83.84 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Jews of Nigeria While Jews have long had a presence in Ethiopia and the Maghreb, Africa's newest Jewish community of note is in Nigeria, where upwards of twenty thousand Igbos are commonly claimed to have adopted... $27.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Jihad A History in Documents This updated and expanded 2016 edition of the classic text on Muslim thinking about war and peace features new chapters on jihad after 9/11, including translations and analyses of fatwas from ISIS... $80.97 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Kabul Under Siege: Fayz Muhammad's Account of the 1929 Uprising In January 1929, the reigning monarch of Afghanistan, Amir Aman Allah Khan, was driven from his capital by a former soldier turned outlaw. The uprising was a response to the ruler's attempts to... $101.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers La Indianidad: The Indigenous World Before Latin Americans Mayan manuscripts and stone glyphs from pre-Columbian times are among the few historical documents by or about early Native Americans. Many other native artifacts have been destroyed and their... $22.01 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Lamu: History, Society, and Family in an East African Port City This book depicts the history of Lamu, once an important East African port city, now known as an unspoiled tourist destination and scenic location for Hollywood movies. For centuries, communities... $60.85 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Land of Enchanters: Egyptian Short Stories from the Earliest Times to the Present Day Several civilizations have risen, flourished and fallen in the valley of the Nile, each with its own religion, language, culture, institutions and style of life. Yet beneath them all a certain basic... $57.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Leo Frobenius on African History, Art and Culture Leo Frobenius' pivotal works on African culture represented a landmark study in ethnography. His writings, when discovered by young African intellectuals studying in Europe in the early 1900s,... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Life in a Haitian Valley This book is a precious document in the intellectual history of the black Americas. Its author was surely the first academically respectable white scholar to take seriously the cultural achievements... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Medieval West Africa This book tells the story of West Africa south of the Sahara from the ninth to the fourteenth century from the viewpoint of Arab geographers, historians, and travelers. The first reports in written... $80.97 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Memoirs of a Janissary Konstantin Mihailovic, born a Christian Serb in the early 15th century, was kidnapped by Ottoman Turks and brought to Anatolia, where he was trained as a Janissary -- a member of the elite corps of... $25.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Minorities in the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire was a multi-ethnic, multi-religious state encompassing most of the modern Middle East, and for much of its 600-year existence it managed to rule effectively its diverse peoples... $25.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Modern Iran Covering the period from the early nineteenth century to the present day, Modern Iran: A History in Documents brings together primary sources in translation that shed light on aspects of the... $29.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Murderers Among Us: History of Repression and Rebellion in Haiti Under Dr. Franois Duvalier, 1962-1971 Fran?ois "Papa Doc" Duvalier's hold on power in Haiti, initially tenuous, grew stronger as American confrontations with Cuba under President Kennedy fostered a fear that Communism could sweep Haiti... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Napoleon in Egypt: Al-Jabarti's Chronicle of the French Occupation of 1798 Napoleon's conquest of Egypt in 1798 was the first contact between a Western power with imperial goals and an ancient regime of an African society. Sheik Al-Jabarti's chronicle is a unique... $79.87 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Old New Land Old New Land forever altered the face of the Middle East. The book was a nineteenth-century utopian blueprint for a modern state of Israel. There were Jewish settlers in Palestine, and Zionist... $27.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Once Jews: Stories of Caribbean Sephardim The phrase "I am Catholic, but I am Jewish" may seem contradictory to some, but in the Caribbean islands and the countries of the Caribbean periphery, there are hundreds if not thousands of... $36.72 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers One Frenchman, Four Revolutions This book is about the world in which the French general Marie-Louis Ferrand thrived and in which he ultimately lost his life. He can be seen as an overarching link between the four revolutions from... $79.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Oppressed in the Land? Oppressed in the Land?Author: Alan J. VerskinPublisher: Markus Wiener PublishersPublication Date: Aug 25, 2013Number of Pages: 170 pagesBinding: Hardback or Cased BookISBN-10: 1558765719ISBN-13:... $107.98 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Papa Doc & the Tontons Macoutes Originally published in 1970, this is the story of Haiti under the rule of Dr. Fran?ois Duvalier. Bernard Diederich lived in Haiti for 14 years and had personal experience of the early Duvalier days... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers People and Issues in Latin American History Vol II: From Independence to the Present In this volume, special emphasis is given to social history and the analysis of the spectrum of revolutionary change since Bol?var. This edition includes an entirely new section on Hugo Ch?vez, which... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers People's History of Latin America The history of Latin America has been written principally with a top-down approach that focuses on leaders and the privileged. Hern?n Horna brings us a history that centers on the experience of... $79.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Political Cartoons in the Middle East The imagery of political cartoons provides a unique yet under-studied insight into how Middle Eastern societies think. By combining the indigenous comic tradition of shadow plays with the imported... $20.17 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers Problems in African History This updated and expanded new collection covers the major problems in the field, incorporating classic texts, the newest research, and recent controversies about the origins of African history and... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart