Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Golden Trade of the Moors: West African Kingdoms in the Fourteenth Century "This book is the liveliest account of African history ever written, covering over [one] thousand years of trans-Saharan trade. "Finely written and researched. ... This edition will no doubt whet the... $27.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Heritage of Central Asia Central Asia in ancient and medieval times was the crossroads of civilization, connecting China with the West. What we now call Central Asia was part of the empires conquered by Cyrus, Alexander the... $25.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The History of African Cities South of the Sahara Cities have existed in sub-Saharan Africa since antiquity. But only now are historians and archaeologists rediscovering their rich heritage: the ancient ruins of Great Zimbabwe and Congo, the harbor... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The History of Bukhara Al-Narshakhi's The History of Bukhara is unusual among histories of Middle Eastern cities because it provides a broad and perceptive overview of urban life of the time, as opposed to the standard... $27.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks This book spans the Turkish Empire's expansion from the conquest of Constantinople to that of Crete, and recounts the story of Barbarossa, whom S?leyman the Magnificent appointed commander of the... $106.83 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Horrors of Slavery: and Other Writings by Robert Wedderburn Robert Wedderburn was one of the first promoters of black power by revolutionary force, if necessary. His publications had an enormous impact in his time. The Horrors of Slavery is a vivid record of... $25.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Human Drama, Vol. III The third volume in this highly acclaimed series examines world history from 1450 to the beginning of the twentieth century. It begins with an examination of the five newly forming "gunpowder... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Human Drama, Vol. III Order with a discount of 20%: World History: From 1450 C.E. to 1900 The third volume in this highly acclaimed series examines world history from 1450 to the beginning of the twentieth century. It begins with an examination of the five newly forming "gunpowder... $57.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Human Drama, Vol. IV The final volume in this highly acclaimed series ushers in the twentieth century, the bloodiest in world history, and arguably the century that saw more accelerated and profound changes than any... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Human Drama, Volume I: World History: The Beginning to 500 C.E. Chronological events are supplemented by thematic ones, such as the development of cities and trade, the spread of religions and the idea of the law, the use of technology and art, and migrations and... $57.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Human Drama: World History Chronological events are supplemented by thematic ones, such as the development of cities and trade, the spread of religions and the idea of the law, the use of technology and art, and migrations and... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Letters and Other Writings of Gustav Vassaus Gustavus Vassa (alias Olaudah Equiano, the African) was on the vanguard of the anti-slavery movement in England at the end of the eighteenth century. He provided a voice for people of African descent... $29.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Letters and Other Writings of Gustavus Vassa Gustavus Vassa (alias Olaudah Equiano, the African) was on the vanguard of the anti-slavery movement in England at the end of the eighteenth century. He provided a voice for people of African descent... $107.98 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Levant Perched between three continents -- Africa, Asia, and Europe -- the Levant is a crossroads of world history. Presently the domain of Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinians, with Turkey... $79.87 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Life and Times of General China No episode in African history is more controversial than the Mau Mau Uprising, and within it, no figure more polarizing than Waruhiu Itote, or "General China." China led Mau Mau guerrillas in a... $106.83 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine The Kunstkammer was a programmatic display of art and oddities amassed by wealthy Europeans during the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. These nascent museums reflected the ambitions of such... $27.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine: The Kunstkammer and the Evolution of Nature, Art and Technology The Kunstkammer was a programmatic display of art and oddities amassed by wealthy Europeans during the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. These nascent museums reflected the ambitions of such... $83.84 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Middle East Economy: Decline and Recovery Once, large caravans traversed huge distances to reach Middle Eastern cities whose wealth from long-distance trade, superior architecture, craftsmanship, and scientific knowledge filled Christian... $60.85 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Middle East Economy: Decline and Recovery: Selected Essays In this work, Charles Issawi examines the main reasons for the economic decline of the Middle East. He discusses climate, geography, and religion, with particular emphasis on the military elite,... $41.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The New Face of Lebanon: History's Revenge Once known as the Switzerland of the Middle East, Lebanon in the late 1980s was considered a failed state: strife prevailed among Maronite Christians, Sunnis, Shiites, Druze, and Palestinians. Now,... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Ottoman Balkans: 1750-1830 The decades after 1750 saw the Ottoman empire undergo tremendous stresses that culminated in the first stirrings of nationalism among Christian subjects and an irrevocable commitment to reform by the... $27.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Price of Blood This is the terrifying history of how Dr. Fran?ois "Papa Doc" Duvalier used terrorism to reach power, and how he institutionalized terrorism as a weapon of the State. The book reports in detail the... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Revolt of African Slaves in Iraq The revolt of African slaves in Iraq from 869 to 883 C.E.* - the revolt of the Zanj - was one of the great rebellions of world history and the first major uprising in the history of the African... $45.92 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Revolt of African Slaves in Iraq: in the 3rd/9th Century The revolt of African slaves in Iraq from 869 to 883 C.E.* - the revolt of the Zanj - was one of the great rebellions of world history and the first major uprising in the history of the African... $56.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Saudi Kingdom The Saudi Kingdom: Between the Jihadi Hammer and the Iranian Anvil presents a candid and insightful analysis of Saudi Arabia's political instability in light of the mounting domestic and... $79.87 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Shi'ites: A Short History Combining history, comparative religion, and political interpretations, Heinz Halm elucidates Shi'ism and political developments in the Middle East for the uninformed reader. The author highlights... $29.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Shii'tes: A Short History Combining history, comparative religion, and political interpretations, Heinz Halm elucidates Shi'ism and political developments in the Middle East for the uninformed reader. The author highlights... $97.34 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Siege of Magdala: The British Empire Against the Emperor of Ethiopia In 1867-68, a petty diplomatic dispute between Ethiopian emperor Tewodros II and Queen Victoria led to one of the strangest and most dramatic military campaigns in history. The British Indian Army,... $31.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Travels of Ibn Battuta to Central Asia The original Travels of Ibn Battuta ranks high amongst the masterpieces of Arabic geographical literature and is of great significance in the understanding of the history of the peoples inhabiting... $29.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Markus Wiener Publishers The Travels of William Wells Brown This is the remarkable story of two trips by a fugitive slave. One is the dramatic and poignant journey of a humiliated slave up the Mississippi to the North, into freedom. The second is a glorious... $22.01 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart