Aliz kalandjai Csodaorsz??ban: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in Hungarian
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Aliz kalandjai Csodaorsz??ban: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in Hungarian
Lewis Carroll ?ln?ven ?rt: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson volt az igazi neve, ?s matematik?t tan?tott az Oxfordi Egyetem Christ Church koll?gium?ban. Dodgson 1862. j?lius 4-?n kezdte el a mes?t, amikor cs?nakkir?ndul?sra ment a Temz?n Robinson Duckworth tiszteletessel, a t?z?ves Alice Liddell-lel, a koll?gium esperes?nek l?ny?val ?s Alice k?t testv?r?vel, a tizenh?rom ?ves Lorin?val ?s a nyolc?ves Edith-tel. Ahogy a versben olvashat? a k?nyv elej?n, a h?rom kisl?ny megk?rte Dodgsont, hogy mondjon nekik egy mes?t, ő pedig eleinte vonakodva kezdte mes?lni nekik a t?rt?net első v?ltozat?t. Sok f?lig elrejtett utal?s tal?lhat? ennek az ?tfős t?rsas?gnak a tagjaira a k?nyv sz?veg?ben, amely v?g?l 1865-ben jelent meg. -- Lewis Carroll is a pen-name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the author's real name and he was lecturer in Mathematics in Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson began the story on 4 July 1862, when he took a journey in a rowing boat on the river Thames in Oxford together with the Reverend Robinson Duckworth, with Alice Liddell (ten years of age), the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church, and with her two sisters, Lorina (thirteen years of age), and Edith (eight years of age). As is clear from the poem at the beginning of the book, the three girls asked Dodgson for a story and reluctantly at first he began to tell the first version of the story to them. Many half-hidden references are made to the five of them throughout the text of the book itself, which was published finally in 1865.
Author: Lewis Carroll |
Publisher: Evertype |
Publication Date: Jun 01, 2013 |
Number of Pages: 150 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1782010343 |
ISBN-13: 9781782010340 |