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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Alice se Avonture in Wonderland: Tranzlaty English Afrikaans

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Product Code: 9781835666364
ISBN13: 9781835666364
Condition: New

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Alice se Avonture in Wonderland: Tranzlaty English Afrikaans


"making a chain of daisies would be a pleasure"

"Dit sal 'n plesier wees om 'n ketting madeliefies te maak"

"but is it worth the effort of getting up and picking the daisies "

"Maar is dit die moeite werd om op te staan en die madeliefies te pluk "

this was not so easy to think about

Dit was nie so maklik om aan te dink nie

because the day was making her feel sleepy and stupid

want die dag het haar slaperig en dom laat voel

but suddenly her thoughts were interrupted

maar skielik is haar gedagtes onderbreek

a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her

'n Wit Konyn met pienk o? het naby haar gehardloop

There was nothing overly remarkable about the rabbit

Daar was niks te merkwaardig aan die haas nie

and Alice did not think the rabbit remarkable either

en Alice het ook nie gedink dat die haas merkwaardig was nie

nor did it surprise her when the Rabbit spoke

dit het haar ook nie verbaas toe die haas praat nie

"Oh dear! I shall be too late!" he said to himself

"Ag liewe! Ek sal te laat wees!" het hy vir homself ges?

but then the Rabbit did something that rabbits didn't do

maar toe doen die Konyn iets wat konyne nie gedoen het nie

the Rabbit took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket

die Konyn haal 'n horlosie uit sy onderbaadjie-sak

he looked at the time and then hurried on

Hy het na die tyd gekyk en toe verder gehaas

Author: Lewis Carroll
Publisher: Tranzlaty
Publication Date: Nov 23, 2024
Number of Pages: 96 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-10: 1835666361
ISBN-13: 9781835666364

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